Maker Faire Central Oregon 2023

500,000 volt Tesla Coil Demonstrations

Home: Oregon, United States

Tesla Coils generate 500,000 volt, 3 foot flaming bolts of man-made lightning, and we will demonstrate these and 9 other High Voltage devices. We will explain the science behind the beautiful and spectacular Arcs, Sparks and Corona discharges.
500000 volt Tesla Coil Demonstrations - Maker Faire Central Oregon


Don Anderson - Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Don Anderson

Dr. Professor Anderson The good Doctor is a physicist and electrical engineer who is a Steampunk inspired Maker of 19th Century Exceptionally High Voltage devices. These nefarious devices include the spark gap and vacuum tube Tesla Coils with arc lengths up to 3 feet (500,000 volts), Van de Graaff generators (750,000 volts) , Wimshurst machines (90,000 volts), Induction Coils (120 ,000 volts), a Plasma Speaker, a 15 inch Plasma Ball and a 4 foot tall Jacob’s Ladder.

What Inspired You to Make This?

I have always been fascinated by the beauty and excitement I see in high voltage discharges, and I am challenged by the difficulty in designing, building and operating this equipment.