Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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programando a mex-bot en arduino

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: antonio joaquin lopez

Home: oaxaca, Mexico

aprende a programar al mex-bot, un robot mexicano, con diferentes funciones y retos que puedes aprender a resolver de algunas categorías existentes en la robótica mexicana. no necesitas conocimientos previos de programación o electrónica.

Golden Eagle Makers

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Golden Eagle Makers

Home: California, United States

The Golden Eagle Makers is an organization from California State University, Los Angeles that seeks to make a positive impact in our community while engaging in collaborative efforts with other organizations that addresses specific issues.

STEAM – Makerspace educativo

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Laura Velázquez Cisneros

Home: Yucatán, Mexico

Conoce proyectos educativos realizados en un makerspace y aprende sobre diversos mecanismos impresos en 3D y con corte láser para conocer su aplicación en la vida cotidiana.

Smart Medikit

Faire: Rome

Maker: Federico Traverso


Smart Medikit is a kit that can help anyone to be able to rescue any human subject in an emergency through the help of a digital assistant who, through sensors and questions, will give instructions to the rescuer, the kit is suitable for everyone and it is compact so that anyone can always carry it with them so they can be ready for any emergency.

Circuitos em Papel

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: Lab Aberto Fab Lab

Home: Lisboa/TorresVedras/SantoAntonio, Portugal

A partir de componentes simples, como uma pilha e um LED, os participantes irão construir lanternas de bolso em suporte de papel


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Kevin Espindola

Home: Ciudad de México, Mexico

Alquimétricos es una colección de juguetes didácticos de código abierto (open source). Son bloques para construir estructuras y aprender, a través del juego, sobre geometría, matemáticas, arquitectura, mecánica, física, química y mucho más

Techno Robotics

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: antonio joaquin lopez

Home: oaxaca, Mexico

Techno Robotics un proyecto de robotica STEAM, desarrolladores, creadores, y un gran equipo de trabajo, imagina, sueña, diseña, desarrolla y fabrícalo.


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Saúl Salas

Home: México, Mexico

Somos un taller y como lo leiste, un jardín de fabricación digital, desarrollamos productos y proyectos con herramientas y tecnologias creativas. Realizamos actividades de capacitación, sociales, culturales y de emprendimiento para todas las edades.


Faire: Rome

Maker: Università degli Studi della Tuscia


BIOTHINK: biocompatible alternative to traditional tattoo inks used in the dermocosmetic sector. It is a multipurpose ink composed of renewable nanostructured lignin, which acts as a natural pigment, vehicle, binder, and additive. BIOTHINK is free from toxic ingredents, REACH-compliant, brilliant and long lasting. BIOTHINK REMOVER: natural cream specifically designed to remove BIOTHINK ink safely and effectively. The production of BIOTHINK REMOVER does not generate waste, and the packaging is made from recyclable materials, promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness.

Arte y soldadura

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Ricardo González

Home: Estado de México, Mexico

Arte y soldadura se enfoca en recolectar y darle una segunda oportunidad a materiales, chatarra que se niega a ser desechada, creando piezas a partir de ella. Exposición de artesanías elaboradas, demostraciones y prácticas con soldadura TIG.

Port Jefferson EMS

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Port Jefferson EMS

Home: New York, United States

The Port Jefferson EMS provides emergency medical service to a population of citizens who reside in a 16 square mile area of Suffolk County. We will be on hand to provide simple hands-on demonstrations and answer questions about volunteering.

Analisi (segmentazione e classificazione) del tumore al cervello

Faire: Rome

Maker: Sapienza Università di Roma


The application consists in receiving magnetic resonance images to the brain as input, through computer vision algorithms the image is analyzed and as a first step it segments the tumor (if it is found, otherwise it warns that it has not found tumors), as a second step, only if he has found the tumour, he classifies it (benign or malignant with the name of the tumour: glioma, ..). To date, only the first part of the project is ready (segmentation), the remaining part is being implemented

e-Nable Italia – Experiments

Faire: Rome

Maker: Energy Family Project APS (e-Nable Italia)


Our community is dedicated to developing and providing free assistive devices for children and adults with limb difference problems. All of our projects are either open source derivatives or released by us (when original creations from our community) as open source. After SwimAble (the device for swimming, 2021) and the Bike Adapter (the device for cycling, 2022), this year we present the new ideas developed by our volunteers: the low-cost robotic hand prototypes and the devices that can help children to practice sports and in their free time, including an evolution of the bike adapters to be able to practice archery, a device that allows children with limb difference problems to play the drums and a tool for makers without 3d engineering skills that dynamically generates custom STL models of assistive devices adapted to the physical and anatomical characteristics of the recipients, to broaden accessibility to these devices.

uAir – A personal CO2 Monitor

Faire: Rome

Maker: Xuelai Wei


uAir is a portable CO2 monitor for health-conscious individuals. It’s designed and engineered to be an on-bag product. It accurately senses carbon dioxide level and give information on temperature and humidity on an e-paper screen, for users to take action

Chewing: sei come mangi

Faire: Rome

Maker: Alessia Riente


Chewing is a process of vital importance for our well-being and to ensure proper digestion of food. In addition to its primary function of breaking down food into smaller pieces, chewing plays a crucial role in promoting optimal assimilation of nutrients and promoting the overall health of our digestive system. From the beginning of the digestive process, chewing plays a significant role in preparing food for the subsequent action of digestive enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract. By properly chewing food, we break it down into smaller particles, allowing digestive enzymes to act more efficiently on them. Furthermore, chewing favors the interaction of food with saliva, which contains enzymes capable of starting the decomposition of carbohydrates. This process facilitates the digestion and absorption of nutrients as they pass through the digestive system. Slow and thorough chewing allows our brain to receive satiety signals in a timely manner, thus reducing the risk of overeating. This is particularly important for those who wish to manage their body weight or adopt healthier eating habits. Several factors can influence the functionality of chewing. For example, some conditions such as temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) or dental malocclusions can impair the ability to chew properly. Additionally, habits such as smoking can have a negative impact on oral health and masticatory function. In the scientific literature, several techniques have been described that use electromyography (EMG) technology to analyze mastication. However, these techniques are mainly aimed at detecting the presence of the masticatory act or at classifying foods based on the electrical signals generated during chewing. To date, there is no electromyographic device that is able to provide a complete assessment of an individual's chewing performance, in order to define a personalized chewing profile that allows the user to become aware of their chewing habits and, possibly, make of the changes. In this context, "Chewing" is presented, an innovative device that represents a solution for evaluating chewing style in a non-invasive way. Chewing analyzes chewing considering different aspects of the process, such as the time dedicated to chewing, the number of chews performed, the energy used, the time of a chewing cycle and the pace of work. Thanks to this detailed analysis, it is possible to evaluate the chewing process itself, taking various aspects into consideration, and to define chewing profiles.

Propulsión UNAM: Cohetería experimental

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Propulsión UNAM

Home: Ciudad de México, Mexico

Propulsión UNAM compartirá su trayectoria y logros, proyectos exitosos, metodología de trabajo y objetivos a futuro, con el fin de fomentar la colaboración y apoyo al desarrollo aeroespacial de México.

Tabela Periódica Interativa

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: Robotics Code Raul - Agrupamento de Escolas Raul Proença

Home: Leiria, Portugal

O projeto consiste numa tabela peródica interativa controlada através de uma aplicação móvel. Os elementos da tabela periódica são representados através de uma fita de leds RGB e são acionados através da aplicação, utilizando um microcontrolador Arduino e um módulo Bluetooth. Através da aplicação móvel é possível identificar individualmente cada elemento químico, atraves do seu número atómico, assim como as respetivas famílias a que pertencem. A aplicação permite também identificar um exemplo de um grupo e de um período, o estado físico a que se encontram numa determinada temperatura e especificar os elementos químicos de acordo com a data da sua descoberta.


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Manuel Vargas Alegría

Home: Ciudad de México, Mexico

AIdeaText vincula la creación, análisis síntesis y visualización de textos escritos con la cooperación de una IA, lo que permite extender y amplificar las posibilidades de explorar nuevas formas de experimentar el ejercicio de la escritura en una PC.

Cheap Fit

Faire: Rome

Maker: Cheap Fit


Cheap Fit aims to reduce sedentariness: a problem that results in 14.6 percent of deaths in Italy. We intend to combat corporate employee sedentariness and exercise inconstancy, improving business performance and reducing the negative spin-offs of these issues. The app incentivizes users with gamification logic to exercise, get a digital reward, for each step or kcal consumed, and challenge each other in tournaments. Through Corporate Wellness plans, companies invest in wellness, benefiting from increased company productivity and motivation.

Archivio Chirurgico Digitale video e fotografico

Faire: Rome

Maker: Sapienza Università di Roma


Starting from a video and photographic archive - containing over 10,000 images and over 150 films made in the surgical field from 1960 to the present - the project aims to offer the possibility of consulting the iconographic material online for free to doctors, students and specialists in the medical/surgical sector. The sharing of surgical history, passed through the development of new techniques - from traditional open surgery to today's endoscopic surgery, as well as offering a source of study, will also be functional to the enhancement of the medicine developed at Sapienza.

Makers Making Change NY Chapter

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Christopher Marotta

Home: New York, United States

Makers Making Change (MMC) NY Chapter is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities by connecting them with volunteer makers and designers who create custom assistive technologies.

Proyectos Educativos con micro:bit

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Daniel Sandoval Villa

Home: Tabasco, Mexico

Conoce y aprende como fueron creados los mejores proyectos educativos desarrollados por nuestros estudiantes con micro:bit para ayudar a resolver los problemas planteados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 de la ONU.

Environerd Studios

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Katie Pelon

Home: California, United States

Katie Pelon of Environerd Studios authors and illustrates educational children's books that teach about wildlife conservation. Learn how to draw in a nature journal at our booth!

Yes, we CAIR!

Faire: Rome

Maker: Università degli Studi di Genova


The project focuses on the development of a cloud-based system that facilitates interactive and inclusive group conversations between humans and artificial agents. With its innovative approach, our system aims to address the challenges of equal participation, dominance, and group dynamics in such discussions. Through the application of advanced control policies, the system autonomously moderates group conversations, promoting balanced participation and fostering collaboration among participants. By analyzing the dialogue state, tracking individual preferences, and collecting statistical data, our system ensures an inclusive and engaging conversational experience for all.