Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 221 Results


Faire: Coney Island

Maker: Thomas Castner

Home: Pennsylvania, United States

FlashPCB is a PCB assembly service focused on rapid prototyping based in the US. We use an AI powered quoting process to give you a quote on your PCB assembly in minutes. We use software to power our manufacturing delivering your PCBs faster.

LEGACY MX Impresion 3D

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)


Home: MEXICO, Mexico

El objetivo principal del proyecto es ofrecer lámparas personalizadas y exclusivas a un precio asequible, utilizando la tecnología de impresión 3D.

FabLab Belluno: Progetti Spicci – Otto DIY

Faire: Trieste


Home: Veneto, Italy

Otto DIY è un robottino didattico in grado di camminare, cantare, evitare gli ostacoli e persino ballare.


Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: Louisiana Space Grant

Home: Louisiana, United States

The MARS Truck, operated by LaSPACE at LSU, is a light commercial box truck containing computer controlled telescopes, a portable planetarium, science activity kits/demos, and other equipment and materials to provide astronomy and physics learning ex

Keeping Miners Safe With Arduino

Faire: Rome

Maker: Jhansi Kalluri


Safety is a paramount concern in the mining industry, given the high-risk nature of activities involved. Workers engaged in drilling, blasting, excavation, and heavy machinery operations face potential hazards that can jeopardize their well-being. To ensure their protection and prevent accidents with severe consequences, Jhansi has developed a groundbreaking solution: the mining worker safety helmet. This innovative helmet goes beyond traditional head protection by integrating additional features designed to enhance worker safety in the mining environment. It serves as a workforce guardian, actively working to safeguard the miners’ lives. By leveraging technology, Jhansi has created a powerful tool that not only prevents head injuries but also offers a suite of functionalities to mitigate risks.

Leo’s Tesla Coil

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Leo yim

Home: California, United States

A 9 year old gifted boy is very interested in Electrical Engineering which has self study and built a Testla Coil from ground up during this Summer.

Máquina de mirar y escuchar

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Audiomáquinas

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Se trata de una instalación conformada de cuatro máquinas, donde cada una cuenta con un conjunto de flipbooks motorizados para dar vida y movimiento a una serie de imágenes que narran diferentes historias.

M.A.R.T.E.S (Martial Arts Responsive Training Electronic System)

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Juan Antonio Oriza

Home: EDOMEX, Mexico

MARTES es un sistema de entrenamiento open source para artes marciales que combina tecnología con elementos tradicionales de entrenamiento.

Lotería Interactiva con Raspberry pi PICO

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Miguel Urbina

Home: Sta María la Ribera, Cuauhtémoc, Mexico

¡Únete a la lotería interactiva de AG Electrónica! Con Raspberry Pi PICO y pantallas Nextion, toca la pantalla para seleccionar tu tarjeta y espera a que la suerte te sonría mientras descubres las cartas. ¡Juega en nuestro stand este 12 y 13 de mayo!

SnappyXO Design Workshops

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Anurag Purwar

Home: New York, United States

Dream, Design, and Invent with SnappyXO Robot kit at the Maker Faire LI. You will have an opportunity to design and build catapults and robots designed and prototyped in the Computer Aided Design and Innovation lab led by Dr. Anurag Purwar of SBU.

Autonomous Robot Racing for Everyone

Faire: Rochester

Maker: Joah Tang

Home: New York, United States

It's robot racing time! The Tompkins County Public Library from Ithaca NY is bringing some fun robot mayhem with Arduino-powered autonomous racing. At this hands-on demo, participants will be able to race a robot and learn how to make one too!

Lab Aberto Fab Lab – Espaço de Aprendizagem Informal

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: Lab Aberto Fab Lab

Home: Lisboa/TorresVedras/SantoAntonio, Portugal

Iremos demonstrar como se dinamiza um espaço de aprendizagem informal dentro de uma escola tendo em conta o contexto e as dificuldades que um projeto deste género representa.

FUTURA – ESP32 DIY projects

Faire: Zagreb

Maker: Infomratički klub Futura

Home: Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija, Croatia

Informatički klub Futura će posjetiteljima Maker Faire Zagreb predstaviti razne DIY projekti temeljene na ESP32 pločicama. Jedan od njih su male LILYGO TTGO pločice s kojima smo na radionicama satavljali i programirali male prijenosne igraće konzole.

Chaos Theory Robotics Demo

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Summit High School Robotics Team Chaos Theory

Home: Oregon, United States

Come see our competition robots! Find out how your student can join a competition robotics team.


Faire: Orange County

Maker: Edwin Pineda

Home: California, United States

In 1985,I saw the movie Back to the Future. And felt in love with the Delorean Time Machine. It took 35 years to materialized that dream.My Time Machine was reviewed by the original chief of production of the movie original and made it to the top 3.


Faire: Brussels


Home: Belgium

Etes-vous le maker le plus compétant de la MakerFaire ? Venez prouver vos compétences en chez le MakeRun de GLUON. Ici vos skills seront mis à l’épreuve sous forme de ‘Time Trials’, compléter des taches ICT, typiques « Maker » et enregistrer vos temps sur les leaderboards afin de gagner des prix.

Robots Mario Carreras

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Club de Robótica Scout

Home: Ciudad de México, Mexico

En este taller aprenderás a a ensamblar y manejar un carro robot de carreras a control remoto, mediante tu dispositivo celular Al final del taller se organizará un pequeño concurso para poner a prueba el robot y trabajar en equipo

Reconocimiento de imágenes aplicado a sistema electromecánico para exploración espacial.

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Layonet Salvador Buenrostro Pérez

Home: cdmx, Mexico

Prototipo electromecánico autónomo acompañado de reconocimiento de imágenes que se enfoca en tareas de exploración, utilizando tecnologías de bajo costo, dando así la oportunidad para implementar dicho proyecto en el desarrollo educativo.

Team Malice

Faire: Orange County

Maker: David Liaw

Home: California, United States

Team Malice are the builders of a 250lb Combat Robot that participated on the TV show Battlebots.

NIU Robotics Club

Faire: Lake County

Maker: NIU Robotics

Home: Illinois, United States

The purpose of NIU Robotics is to promote education in subjects relating to robotics, to engage in competitions to inspire collaboration in problem-solving, and to create a community of technically-inclined students with similar interests.

3D Printing Professor

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Joseph Larson

Home: Utah, United States

3D Printing Professor makes educational and technology review videos about 3d printing and tech. Award winning 3D designer, blogger, YouTubber and author.

O Printer

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Ryan Natvig

Home: California, United States

I have made an almost all metal, Odrive and brushless motor powered large format coreXY with quad independent z steppers 3D Printer and CNC. It has a build volume of 500x500x500 and uses a direct drive hemera with a copper volcano block.

FabLab Belluno: Progetti Spicci – Pianoforte Laser

Faire: Trieste


Home: Veneto, Italy

Un futuristico pianoforte laser che al posto dei tasti ha dei raggi laser. Ogni laser corrisponde ad una nota, suonata direttamente da un Arduino.

University of Miami’s UMaker

Faire: Miami

Maker: University of Miami - UMaker

Home: Florida, United States

UMaker will demonstrate various applications of Robotics and 3D printing through interactive projects. Devices highlight practical uses like Robot Cars and how 3D printing and Robotics interact through 3D printed, motorized arms.