Maker Faire Yearbook 2023
Found 422 Results
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Spelend leren door fantasierijk hergebruik
Faire: Eindhoven
Maker: Ilona Bijsterveld
Home: Nederland
Altijd al een tijdreismachine willen bouwen? Of bouw jij liever een vliegende stofzuigerboot, een hut of een knikkerbaan?
Niks is te gek, vanuit je fantasie kan je alles bouwen, zeg nou zelf; dat is geweldig toch?!
Kom ontdekken hoe het is om te bouwen met materialen die op het punt stonden om weggegooid te worden. Denk aan houten planken, pvc buizen, autobanden, waterkokers, broodroosters enz.
Let op; het plezier zit in het bouwen, alles wordt door FantaMagie keer op keer hergebruikt.
Garage – Startup Incubator by Simpals
Faire: Chisinau
Maker: Игорь Мясников
Home: Moldova
Добро пожаловать в Garage - проект Simpals, где мы превращаем смелые гипотезы в инновационные продукты. Мы объединяем наши идеи с техническим мастерством, чтобы преодолевать вызовы. Присоединяйтесь к нам и воплощайте свои идеи в реальность!
Smart Dumbbells
Faire: Rome
Maker: Istituto Tecnico Economico e Tecnologico "M. Rapisardi - L. Da Vinci"
Our primary goal is to allow people to work out daily whenever and wherever they want, for the first time combining the world of fitness with that of fun and entertainment. The product consists of two smart gym dumbbells that interface with a videogame, in which there is a virtual avatar that has to be kept healthy and that can customized by the user through the execution of exercises and special daily missions.
Lego battle bots
Faire: Calgary
Maker: Calgary brick battle
Home: Alberta, Canada
Your chance to join a lower cost and accessible robot fighting league. No need for skills with programming or machining because the only permitted material is Lego.
Rescue Bears
Faire: Elkhorn
Maker: Institute for Positive Mental Health
Home: Illinois, United States
Rescue Bears are made from mismatched socks to give them purpose and meaning. They are especially comforting for anyone going through a difficult time.
LEGACY MX Impresion 3D
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Home: MEXICO, Mexico
El objetivo principal del proyecto es ofrecer lámparas personalizadas y exclusivas a un precio asequible, utilizando la tecnología de impresión 3D.
Neighborhood Music School
Faire: Los Angeles
Maker: Neighborhood Music School
Home: California, United States
What is a musical instrument? Learn the answer to this question (spoiler: it can be anything!) and make your very own musical instrument with us using repurposed household materials and other common items!
Faire: Orange County
Maker: Edwin Pineda
Home: California, United States
In 1985,I saw the movie Back to the Future. And felt in love with the Delorean Time Machine. It took 35 years to materialized that dream.My Time Machine was reviewed by the original chief of production of the movie original and made it to the top 3.
Iniciando en el Papercraft
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Home: Cdmx, Mexico
De la mano de Paperking toma un taller para conocer conceptos básicos del paper craft y crea una hermosa escultura (imagen solo ilustrativa)
Formación > Control automático de mecanismos mediante sensores. Taller para adolescentes
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Maker: Juan Galindo
Home: Coyoacán, Mexico
Este taller tiene como objetivo que las y los participantes reconozcan un mecanismo de barras y cómo funciona, aprendan sobre sensores digitales y analógicos, se interesen en la generación de código y construyan un mecanismo móvil autónomo.
InvenTABLE: a kid-safe power tool for cutting cardboard!
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: Team InvenTABLE
Home: Pennsylvania, United States
InvenTABLE is a kid-safe power tool that teaches valuable STEM skills by giving kids ages 8-12 the ability to cut through cardboard and build 3D models with ease. My co-founder Max and I have been working on this product for over a year, and actually first brought it to kids at the Philadelphia Maker Faire and Sussex County Maker Faire in October 2022!
Since then, we've used feedback from hundreds of kids, parents, and educators to iterate on and improve our product. We will be launching InvenTABLE at the end of September through Kickstarter, and our Kickstarter will be running throughout the month of October. Come to our table to try the power tool out for yourselves and make some fun projects out of cardboard!
Sus-Buddies and More
Faire: Lynchburg
Maker: Brendan Watkins
Home: Virginia, United States
3D printed toys, keychains, figurines, cookie cutters, etc. Laser engraved lanyards, ornaments, coasters, keychains, bookmarks etc.
SkillSet Program @ UNCA STEAM Studio
Faire: Asheville
Maker: SkillSet Program @ UNCA STEAM Studio
Home: North Carolina, United States
SkillSet is the community outreach program of UNCA STEAM Studio. We offer after-school programming and summer camps for middle and high school students, and skill-building workshops for adult learners.
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Maker: Felipe Echeverria Bennett
Home: Estado de Mexico, Mexico
Conoce como se trabaja un micro taller de madera en casa.
Estaremos utilizando sierra de banda, sierra caladora de banco, sierra circular y torno. Tambíen conocerán las medidas de seguridad, tallado y pintura para elaborar juguetes y piezas de madera
A Crafty Creation
Faire: Wayne County
Maker: Abigail Morgan
Home: Ohio, United States
My project being presented is take home charm kits, with instructions given to children and any other participant. I plan to present the process of how my products are made and demonstrate how to put together charms as well. I will bring a variety of decor and clearance sale from previous shows, but the mainstream would be my polymer clay and resin jewelry/accessories. I am a proud returning vendor and have had a blast spreading creativity in prior shows!
Paper Rocket
Faire: Rochester
Maker: Wellsville CSD SWAT
Home: New York, United States
Build and launch paper rockets!
Diseño e Impresión 3D en la medicina veterinaria.
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Home: IZTACALCO, Mexico
Diseño e impresión 3D de implantes y modelos orgánicos en la medicina veterinaria.
e-Nable Italia – Experiments
Faire: Rome
Maker: Energy Family Project APS (e-Nable Italia)
Our community is dedicated to developing and providing free assistive devices for children and adults with limb difference problems.
All of our projects are either open source derivatives or released by us (when original creations from our community) as open source.
After SwimAble (the device for swimming, 2021) and the Bike Adapter (the device for cycling, 2022), this year we present the new ideas developed by our volunteers: the low-cost robotic hand prototypes and the devices that can help children to practice sports and in their free time, including an evolution of the bike adapters to be able to practice archery, a device that allows children with limb difference problems to play the drums and a tool for makers without 3d engineering skills that dynamically generates custom STL models of assistive devices adapted to the physical and anatomical characteristics of the recipients, to broaden accessibility to these devices.
Arte y soldadura
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Maker: Ricardo González
Home: Estado de México, Mexico
Arte y soldadura se enfoca en recolectar y darle una segunda oportunidad a materiales, chatarra que se niega a ser desechada, creando piezas a partir de ella.
Exposición de artesanías elaboradas, demostraciones y prácticas con soldadura TIG.
Faire: Rome
Formula Student UTM
Faire: Chisinau
Maker: Stanislav Caracicovschi
Home: Moldova
Echipa Formula Student UTM proiectează și construiește timp de un an o mașină de curse tip de Formula pentru a participa la cea mai prestigiosă competiție inginerească Formula Student.
La Colonie De Fourmis
Faire: Brussels
Maker: Harold Mousset
Home: Belgium
La Colonie de Fourmis est une boutique en ligne, qui propose à la vente des colonies de fourmis ainsi que l’ensemble du matériel d’élevage, à destination des débutants mais aussi des éleveurs confirmés. 100% “Made in Belgium”, le matériel d'élevage est réalisé en découpe laser et impression 3D.
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Home: Álvaro Obregón, Mexico
En nuestro stand ofreceremos un kit en el que los asistentes podrán elaborar un labial con cera y otros ingredientes, observarán abejas en el microscopio, llenarán un frasco de miel e iluminarán una abeja en papel mientras hablamos de abejas.
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