Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Mixed projects from our Makerspace

Faire: Delft

Maker: Tom van Doveren

Home: Zuid-Holland, Nederland

We geven een bescheiden impressie van actuele, onderhanden of afgeronde projecten: de Gravity Bottle Opener (Sebastian, 30), de design car (Lucas, 9), de BeterMeter (Tom, Joeri, Georges). Andere interactieve projecten zijn te verwachten.


Faire: Brussels

Maker: ECAM

Home: Belgium

Un vélo-cargo DIY, adaptable à vos besoins, propre et bon marché : une alternative élégante aux modes de transports traditionnels en zone urbaine.

Sesame Street Finger Puppets

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Kyla Merriman

Home: New York, United States

Come make your own Sesame Street finger puppets with PBS KIDS from WCNY! Choose your favorite character, or make a whole handful. When you've completed your creation, take a photo with some of our Sesame Street friends!

sopourn art studio

Faire: Palm Beach

Maker: Brianna Sopourn

Home: Florida, United States

Sopourn Art Studio (SAS) will be hosting a live clay experience for kids and adults alike to participate in at the Maker Faire. We will also be selling one-of-a-kind art that includes both functional wares and sculptural pieces.

NeonLux Shop

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Danie Chirstea

Home: Moldova

Bun venit la NEONLUX! Suntem pasionați de crearea de obiecte personalizate și deosebite pentru oameni deosebiți. La NEONLUX, suntem mândri să producem obiecte unice, de înaltă calitate, care aduc o notă de personalitate în fiecare casă.

Proyectos Educativos con micro:bit

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Daniel Sandoval Villa

Home: Tabasco, Mexico

Conoce y aprende como fueron creados los mejores proyectos educativos desarrollados por nuestros estudiantes con micro:bit para ayudar a resolver los problemas planteados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 de la ONU.

Faz tu mesmo as tuas maquinas

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: Rangel Gil

Home: Leiria, Portugal

Impressora 3d e mini laser, feita com materiais recicláveis e um robô impresso

Futura Elettronica

Faire: Trieste

Maker: Boris Landoni

Home: (VA), Italy

Futura Elettronica commercializza e produce più di 5mila articoli diversi. Futura Elettronica sviluppa in autonoma i propri progetti e grazie all’area R&D studia, progetta e realizza prototipi per differenti settori d’applicazione e per il mondo educational. Nel gruppo fa parte anche la rivista Elettronica In, il periodico di progettazione elettronica più diffuso in Italia.


Faire: Pioneer Valley

Maker: Smith College MIND Lab

Home: Massachusetts, United States

Our developmental cognitive neuroscience lab seeks to better understand how home environments influence the development of visual attention, executive functioning, and memory skills in early childhood by playing games while undergoing a safe brain imaging method. We examine how the home environment can impact this development in preschool and kindergarten children. We are currently recruiting four and five-year-old children to participate in our paid research study. We invite families looking to get involved in research to engage with our fun educational and interactive science activities!

Project Linus Onondaga County NY Chapter

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Project Linus Onondaga County NY

Home: New York, United States

Project Linus is a charity for children. They make homemade blankets for kids in need. They will be making fleece tie blankets and will also be making coloring square quilt blocks and sewing them into quilts.

Nerdy Derby

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Nerdy Derby

Home: Noord-Brabant, Nederland

De Nerby Derby baan geeft plezier voor jong en oud! Maak zelf een auto en kijk welke het snelste door de baan vliegt. Iedereen werkt op zijn of haar eigen werkbank en na afloop mag je de zelfgemaakte auto natuurlijk mee naar huis nemen

Needle & Thread

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Needle & Thread

Home: California, United States

Needle & Thread is a club at Sunny Hills High School that aims to create a fun environment by crocheting and sewing different projects, such as beanies or handkerchiefs. These are often donated, as everyone deserves a handmade item made with love.

Idea Light Bulbs by Idea Lab Kids

Faire: Downtown Columbia

Maker: Kiffy Nwosu

Home: Maryland, United States

Children will learn how to light an LED by learning about positive and negative charge, and making their own coin battery powered necklace.

Spelend leren door fantasierijk hergebruik

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Ilona Bijsterveld

Home: Nederland

Altijd al een tijdreismachine willen bouwen? Of bouw jij liever een vliegende stofzuigerboot, een hut of een knikkerbaan? Niks is te gek, vanuit je fantasie kan je alles bouwen, zeg nou zelf; dat is geweldig toch?! Kom ontdekken hoe het is om te bouwen met materialen die op het punt stonden om weggegooid te worden. Denk aan houten planken, pvc buizen, autobanden, waterkokers, broodroosters enz. Let op; het plezier zit in het bouwen, alles wordt door FantaMagie keer op keer hergebruikt.

Terra MakerHall

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Terra Maker Hall (sm)

Home: New York, United States

What's Terra MakerHall? A kit-based resource for STEM adventures for all ages, Terra MakerHalls provide an inexpensive, simple and accessible gateway into the world of Maker Faires.

Astronomía para makers

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Mauricio Angulo

Home: Sinaloa, Mexico

En esta presentación se explicarán los proyectos y la curricula desarrollada para un club de astronomía para alumnos de secundaria y como utilizar el pensamiento Maker para crear sus propias herramientas de observación e investigación científica.


Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: Billy Chang

Home: California, United States

Be sure to visit the Microconsultants booth to see and learn about 3D Printing. This important technology will influence your future. There will be a 3D printing demonstration as well as a large variety of sample parts.

Kentucky Science center

Faire: Louisville

Maker: Kentucky Science center

Home: United States

Kentucky Science Center encourages people of all ages to do science in engaging, educational, and entertaining ways to inspire a lifetime of learning.

e-Nable Italia – Experiments

Faire: Rome

Maker: Energy Family Project APS (e-Nable Italia)


Our community is dedicated to developing and providing free assistive devices for children and adults with limb difference problems. All of our projects are either open source derivatives or released by us (when original creations from our community) as open source. After SwimAble (the device for swimming, 2021) and the Bike Adapter (the device for cycling, 2022), this year we present the new ideas developed by our volunteers: the low-cost robotic hand prototypes and the devices that can help children to practice sports and in their free time, including an evolution of the bike adapters to be able to practice archery, a device that allows children with limb difference problems to play the drums and a tool for makers without 3d engineering skills that dynamically generates custom STL models of assistive devices adapted to the physical and anatomical characteristics of the recipients, to broaden accessibility to these devices.


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)


Home: MEXICO, Mexico

Redescubre las constelaciones en nuestro planetario interactivo y conoce más de ellas, una experiencia Maker que realizamos alumnos de primaria.

Wayaks Team UNAM

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mèxico

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Wayaks Team UNAM Equipo de Robótica con 10 años de Trayectoria, Fundada en la FES Aragón por estudiantes de Ingeniería Mecánica y por el Dr. José Antonio Souza Jiménez, además por el Profesor Neftalí Elorza Lòpez el cual actualmente es el director.

Learn to Solder

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Mitch Altman

Home: Nederland

Iedereen kan leren solderen! De Leer Solderen kit is ontworpen voor mensen die nog nooit iets met solderen hebben gemaakt. Eenvoudige stapsgewijze instructies laten u zien hoe. Als je klaar bent, krijg je een cool gekleurde draagbare knipperende lichtbadge. Bovendien doet hij ook dienst als zaklamp! Deze kit duurt ongeveer 30 minuten om te voltooien.

Zygmunt Ramsay

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: Zygmunt Ramsay

Home: California, United States

My exhibit teaches kids the basics of circuitry by challenging them to figure out how to make a light-up hairclip using an LED, a battery, a hairclip, and tape. I am exhibiting a clock made out of 3 3D-printed dominos with LEDs underneath the dots.

Reparatón: supraciclaje de plástico y ropa

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Andrea Ramírez

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Vamos a conocer cómo reciclar plástico en creaciones atractivas y a reutilizar textiles con tinturas naturales.

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