Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 422 Results

Yarn Arts Corner

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Maker Faire Syracuse

Home: New York, United States

Come visit the Yarn Arts Corner at the 2023 Maker Faire Syracuse where you can make two different projects: adorable turtles with yarn and three popsicle sticks; or weaving bookmarks using a cardboard loom.

Soft Circuits Toolkit

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Katrien van Riet

Home: Nederland

The Soft Circuits Toolkit allows anyone to prototype fully soft circuits that work on air instead of electricity. These circuits can be used to create soft robots or intelligent devices such as shape-changing wearables. Because these designs are fully soft, and thus safer for humans to interact with, they show great potential in areas such as healthcare and human-robot interaction. The toolkit includes a range of components, including those that you normally find in analog electronics.

Nanogurus #4347

Faire: Sussex County

Maker: Nanogurus

Home: New Jersey, United States

Learn more about robotics for students of all ages at Nanogurus 4347's booth! Kids in Grades K-6 will get the opportunity to learn how to control small robots built with LEGO parts while ages 13+ will be able to learn about and control larger robots.

Guild of the Flying Tortoise

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: Guild of the Flying Tortoise

Home: California, United States

We are a family arts and crafts YouTube channel. We love collaborative projects where we can include artists of every age and skill level. Come make optical illusions and puppets with us!

Steven Mosbrucker – The Green Engineers

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Steven Mosbrucker

Home: California, United States

Hi, My name is Steven Mosbrucker. I run a startup called The Green Engineers that focuses on plastic recycling technologies/products/ and making education. I am here to present some of my recycling technologies and maker classes hosted on Udemy.

EASD Parent Connections Lego Builder Challenge

Faire: Elkhorn

Maker: EASD Parent Connections

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Attention Lego Master Builders! The citizens of Teddy Grahamville need your help! Use your construction expertise to build boats, race cars and ziplines to help them escape the clutches of the Evil Dr. Sal I. Vah!

University of Wisconsin – Platteville

Faire: Elkhorn

Maker: NULL

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Pringles Challenge - Students are to create a package that will allow a Pringles Potato Chip to safely survive a trip through the US mail system.

Digital Photography Open Studio & Hands-on Educational Demonstrations

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: The Creative Arts Corner of Hudson Valley

Home: New York, United States

Open Studio & Mini-Workshops! Visit us for hands-on, digital camera demonstrations set against a professional backdrop! Explore the art of photography, learn about our classes and have fun creating special moments with family and friends!

DIY Mini Piñata

Faire: Pensacola

Maker: Cynthia Nellum

Home: Florida, United States

Join us for a new art experience with our step-by-step DIY piñata mini workshop!


Faire: Orange County

Maker: CRASH Space

Home: California, United States

Come see some of the many and varied projects that CRASH members have been working on, and meet our mascot, Sparkles the soldering unicorn.

Proyectos Educativos con micro:bit

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Daniel Sandoval Villa

Home: Tabasco, Mexico

Conoce y aprende como fueron creados los mejores proyectos educativos desarrollados por nuestros estudiantes con micro:bit para ayudar a resolver los problemas planteados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 de la ONU.

FAZ com as tuas mãos – molda polpa de papel reciclado com moldes impressos em 3d

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: Mariana Costa e Silva

Home: Leiria, Portugal

A revolução no fabrico de objetos está a acontecer, o design de produto está ao serviço do utilizador-fazedor: FAZ com as suas mãos! FAZ com as tuas mãos é um processo participativo de produção de mobiliário e brinquedos. Modelos fáceis de construir com ferramentas básicas, materiais fáceis de encontrar e aulas para ensinar a fazê-los em curtos períodos de tempo. Nesta Maker Faire proponho realizar um workshop de moldagem de polpa de papel tridimensional a partir de moldes impressos em 3D, com um aspirador, magia e papel reciclado.

500,000 volt Tesla Coil Demonstrations

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Don Anderson

Home: Oregon, United States

Tesla Coils generate 500,000 volt, 3 foot flaming bolts of man-made lightning, and we will demonstrate these and 9 other High Voltage devices. We will explain the science behind the beautiful and spectacular Arcs, Sparks and Corona discharges.

La Colonie De Fourmis

Faire: Brussels

Maker: Harold Mousset

Home: Belgium

La Colonie de Fourmis est une boutique en ligne, qui propose à la vente des colonies de fourmis ainsi que l’ensemble du matériel d’élevage, à destination des débutants mais aussi des éleveurs confirmés. 100% “Made in Belgium”, le matériel d'élevage est réalisé en découpe laser et impression 3D.

Podcasts luisteren en maken

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Tjeerd van den Elsen

Home: Nederland

Ontdek je stem als verteller, maar ook als instrument. Laat je oren het werk doen. Maak een podcast of luister ontspannen naar een van de mooie verhalen op We spelen elk uur een quiz waarbij je kans maakt op leuke luisterprijzen.

LEGACY MX Impresion 3D

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)


Home: MEXICO, Mexico

El objetivo principal del proyecto es ofrecer lámparas personalizadas y exclusivas a un precio asequible, utilizando la tecnología de impresión 3D.

Kind Kids Compliments

Faire: WNY Regional

Maker: Kind Kids Compliments

Home: New York, United States

Description: Learn alongside some inspiring students that are MAKING the world a better place through a student-run business. The Kind Kids turned a simple idea into a fully functional business that not only helps students develop real world skills

SkillSet Program @ UNCA STEAM Studio

Faire: Asheville

Maker: SkillSet Program @ UNCA STEAM Studio

Home: North Carolina, United States

SkillSet is the community outreach program of UNCA STEAM Studio. We offer after-school programming and summer camps for middle and high school students, and skill-building workshops for adult learners.

WellVentions World & Innerspace Puppet Show

Faire: Rochester

Maker: WellVentions

Home: New York, United States

Come laugh, play, color puppet characters, and enjoy as we educate and entertain you with Wellventions Innerspace puppet show. Allow your tastebuds to be delighted by making your own smoothie on our peddle powered blender bike.

Bolsa Maker – MoonMakers

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: MoonMakers

Home: Hidalgo, Mexico

En este taller, combinará electrónica y arte, usaras materiales conductivos para diseñar y crear circuitos únicos y creativos en una tote bag, que podrás llevarte al finalizar el taller.

Crea tu propia libreta en 10 minutos

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Diego Antonio Vizcaino Diaz

Home: CDMX, Mexico

¡Crea tu propia libretita personalizada en menos de 10 minutos! Aprende a coser, doblar y guillotinar unas libretitas de tamaño bolsillo y llévate un bonito recuerdo de la Maker Faire.

Lauderdale County 4-H

Faire: Meridian

Maker: Lauderdale County 4-H

Home: Mississippi, United States

The Lauderdale County 4-H sewing club will be demonstrating how to make pillowcase dresses. The dresses will be donated to Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes this fall. The members hope to spark an interest in the many opportunities 4-H has to offer

Are you Stronger than a Lemur?

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Michael Granatosky

Home: New York, United States

Do you think you’re strong? Do you think you’re stronger than a lemur? In this activity you’ll be able to collect your grip strength to see how strong you are compared to other students in New York and to some fascinating primate species.

Princesses with Powertools: Learn to Hand Drill

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Reinvented Inc.

Home: Florida, United States

Perfect for kids (and kids at heart)! Learn to use your first powertool from our amazing women engineers dressed as princesses, and find out why #brilliantisbeautiful! You’ll leave with a customized constellation projector you made yourself!