Maker Faire Hudson Valley 2023
Homemade Robots
Home: New York, United States
Come learn about Homemade Robots that you can make at home out of commonly found materials and basic hand tools. Have fun learning about building machines that encourage creativity, ingenuity and improvisation.

Randy Sarafan
Randy Sarafan is the author of Homemade Robots (No Starch Publishing) and 62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer (Workman Publishing). He has worked for Autodesk for more than a decade and currently runs the community teams for both Instructables and Tinkercad. During this time he has published 350+ how-to articles on Instructables on a wide range of subjects spanning everything from giant rideable robots to chamomile ice cream. In addition to constantly making fun new things, he is an avid gardener.
http://www.randysarafan.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
I wanted to make robotics that were easy, accessible and fun. My goal was to get people who were not of a 'techie' persuasion to the point that they were comfortable enough to try to experiment and build some things.