Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Lego User Group Orange County (OCLUG)

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Lego User Group of Orange County

Home: California, United States

Lego User Group of Orange Country will be displaying Lego creations made entirely of Lego brick by our members covering many themes. We will also have an area for all ages with thousands of bricks for them to build with and display.

Creadores Mexicanos de steampunk

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Creadores Mexicanos de steampunk es una comunidad de artistas mexicanos amantes de la ciencia ficción y los retro futurismos. Nos unimos para generar espacios de apoyo, intercambio de ideas y difusión de nuestro trabajo.

Edge Broadband

Faire: Elkhorn

Maker: Edge Broadband

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Locally owned and operated, Edge Broadband is the fastest-growing network in the area. Edge specializes in providing high quality, high-speed internet solutions to homes and businesses in rural Walworth and surrounding counties.

Martin Munroe Art

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Martin Munroe

Home: New York, United States

I paint with a desire and in an attempt to foster a sense of connection with other humans. While the meanings may differ from person to person, it is imperative that I paint these pieces, and let the viewer decide what they mean, if anything.

Code Ninjas Tulsa Robotics and Coding

Faire: Tulsa

Maker: Prakash Subramaniam

Home: Oklahoma, United States

We will be showcasing the robotics and coding for kids ages 5-14. There will be simple projects that the kids can work on as well as meet and interact with various robots. Also an opportunity to play games.

Bestuur de echte fysieke wereld met Scratch

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Hans de Jong

Home: Nederland

Met programmeren de echte fysieke wereld besturen? Dat kun je hier leren en uitproberen. Programmeren in Scratch (een taal voor het onderwijs) en dan servo's (motoren), LED's en knopjes aansturen. En ook servo's goed laten werken met micro:bit.

Lacquer N Lipstick

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Kara Shropshire

Home: California, United States

Lacquer N Lipstick is about taking secondhand items and making them new again. I upcycle things like suitcases and flannel shirts into shelves and pillows. I also sell handmade crocheted items like succulents or flowers, as well as seasonal items.

Bolsa Maker – MoonMakers

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: MoonMakers

Home: Hidalgo, Mexico

En este taller, combinará electrónica y arte, usaras materiales conductivos para diseñar y crear circuitos únicos y creativos en una tote bag, que podrás llevarte al finalizar el taller.

DLC Customs

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Luis De La Cruz

Home: California, United States

I am a Maker/ Industrial Design student in the Los Angeles area, and I am looking to show my diverse range of work and products. My products utilize manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, CNC, and traditional manual lathe/milling machines.

Vintage Computer Festivalers

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Vintage Computer Festivalers

Home: California, United States

Our goal is to demonstrate our vintage computers and consoles ranging from the 1970's to the 1990's so that the public can understand the technology that paved the way for modern computers/cellphones/game systems. These vintage 8-bit/16-bit computers, with names such as Commodore, Tandy, Apple, Atari, Texas Instruments, and more, ran at speeds of 1 MHz. or slightly more in comparison to modern 64-bit systems running at multi-gigahertz with multi-gigabytes of memory. With our vintage computers, the public will learn how programming, gaming, word-processing, computer art, computer music, and more.was just in its beginning stages.

Paint my ride!

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Nyack Creates!

Home: New York, United States

See the live transformation of an ordinary car into a vehicle for art! DJ Morgana will have her vehicle decked out with a custom design by artist Vincent Berlingeri. Make your own designs on paper or whatever you bring using this unique process!

Accesorii din rășină epoxidică

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Marinela Badan

Home: Moldova

Mirage te invită să descoperi acel accesoriu unic, care îți va defini stilul. Bijuteriile sunt confecționate timp de 3-5 zile, din rășină epoxidică și flori vii. Ai ocazia să porți o părticică din natură pretutindeni cu tine.

Helen Lord Art- Fiber

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Helen Lord

Home: New York, United States

I hand spin yarn made with all natural fibers sourced from small scale local and regional farmers. I specialize in alpaca and angora, but also have exotics such as buffalo and musk ox. I will have items for sale and will also do demonstrations.

Syntax Terror, FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Team

Faire: Asheville

Maker: Syntax Terror FTC Robotics Team

Home: North Carolina, United States

Syntax Terror is a robotics team of ten homeschooled students in grades 9-12 who share a passion for brainstorming and problem-solving. We believe that our talents and skills can be used to make a positive impact on the world around us.


Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: James Zimnoch

Home: New York, United States

RELIABILITY, QUALITY & POWER RefurbUPS is the nation's most trusted source today for Performance Guaranteed power protection solutions. We supply more than 10,000 customers nationwide, including today's leading corporations, retailers, government an

FabLab Benfica

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: FabLab Benfica / ESELx-IPL

Home: Lisboa, Portugal

Iremos apresentar alguns projectos, de carpintaria digital, realizados pelos alunos da licenciatura de Artes Visuais e Tecnologias da Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico de Lisboa.

FAZ com as tuas mãos – molda polpa de papel reciclado com moldes impressos em 3d

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: Mariana Costa e Silva

Home: Leiria, Portugal

A revolução no fabrico de objetos está a acontecer, o design de produto está ao serviço do utilizador-fazedor: FAZ com as suas mãos! FAZ com as tuas mãos é um processo participativo de produção de mobiliário e brinquedos. Modelos fáceis de construir com ferramentas básicas, materiais fáceis de encontrar e aulas para ensinar a fazê-los em curtos períodos de tempo. Nesta Maker Faire proponho realizar um workshop de moldagem de polpa de papel tridimensional a partir de moldes impressos em 3D, com um aspirador, magia e papel reciclado.


Faire: Sarajevo

Maker: Sara Nalo

Home: Kanton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

BeMyTECH je tehnološka kompanija čiji vodeći proizvod BeMyStep pomaže osobama sa ostećenim vidom da se lakše snalaze u svijetu oko sebe. Nudimo komplementarnu aplikaciju koja korisnicima pruža informacije o njihovoj okolini.

Motion Melodies

Faire: Coney Island

Maker: Bailey Stevens

Home: New York, United States

Experience an interactive synthesizer where your movements shape the sound. See your music come to life with our real-time visual displays. It’s a unique, hands-on musical system.

Game On! Lake Shore Eagles Esports

Faire: WNY Regional

Maker: Lake Shore Eagles Esports

Home: New York, United States

It's game on in the brand new Lake Shore Eagles Esports room. Try your hand at some scholastic esports titles like Rocket League, Super Smash Brothers, and Minecraft. Stations will also be set up for those to build their own game in Unreal Engine!

Tweewieler robot voetballers

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Robot Sports

Home: Nederland

Dit jaar komt het Robot Sports team met kleine robots met twee wielen, die zichzelf balanceren. Met de robots kun je voetbal spelen - met een tennisbal omdat de robots te klein zijn voor een echte voetbal. Je kunt de robots besturen met een afstandsbediening, maar dat valt niet mee! Ook kun je de instellingen van de robots aanpassen, zodat ze beter rijden. De robots zijn bedacht door Wouter Klop, en die is er zelf ook om uit te leggen hoe je zelf zo'n robot kan bouwen.

Pop Row

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Rohonie Arjune

Home: New York, United States

Pop Row creates exclusive, limited edition designs inspired by travel, digital AI art and home garden creations. Visit us for a fun game, learn about propagation, and how to take your love of robots and maker life on the go.


Faire: Pensacola

Maker: Isaac Alich

Home: North Carolina, United States

We have developed a website for following items as they travel and a lost-n-found system for your belongings. See us for a free tracking sticker and you could start an object traveling or follow a random act of kindness.

Soul Candle

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Iuliana Şelar

Home: Moldova

Creez lumânările din toată inima, pentru ca fiecare dintre clienții mei să-și găsească mirosul, designul sau forma potrivită. Creând lumânările, nu creez doar estetică, ci și un produs ecologic, potrivit pentru persoanele cu alergii și copii.