Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 90 Results

Paper Constructions and Open Studio

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Marc Taylor

Home: New York, United States

Try your hand at paper construction -- make a tiny companion robot, 3-D shapes like a stellated icosahedron, and more projects at various skill levels. Also take a look at my work-in-progress. Recommended for ages 8 and up.

RayLights – Audio Activated Lumiere

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Craig Newswanger

Home: California, United States

This dynamic artwork produces ever-changing, mandala-like light patterns that are activated by ambient sounds. The fluctuating, animated light rays range from intense spectral colors to subtle pastels. A sequence of patterns repeats, but when you make sound—talk, sing, clap—the preprogrammed patterns are modified as the lights respond with non-repeating, complex variations of the colors and patterns. 

Woody the Electric Four Passenger Bicycle

Faire: Orange County

Maker: John Guy

Home: California, United States

Woody is our 3rd generation multi passenger ebike, configured as a 2+2 , with 2 forward riders with pedals and 2 rear facing passengers. The pedalers are assisted with 2 rear hub motors. Below picture is the plan, and construction is in process.

The IDEA Center

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: The IDEA Center

Home: California, United States

The IDEA Center is a community makerspace located in Ventura, California and built on a core initiative of creating accessible opportunities in STEAM. With an emphasis on empowering disadvantaged areas of our local community, the IDEA Center offers access to a wide range of technologies as well as the classes and training necessary to support them. Additionally, we provide free scholarships to every student enrolled in our public schools up to the college level to the end of our mission to create expanded and equitable access. The IDEA Center is a place where young learners, hobbyists, and professionals of all backgrounds can interact and explore the intersections that exist between technology, art, engineering, and design. Stop by our booth to see our kinetic sculptures!


Faire: NW Arkansas

Maker: Adam Campbell

Home: Arkansas, United States

The Spinorama is a 360 degree representation of the world in every direction from a single point of view. What!? Yes. Everything in every direction, except you, the viewer. You're not there. It's like observing the world where the observer is absent.


Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Jeeno Joseph

Home: New York, United States

Bharatanatyam is an Indian dance form origninating from the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is a dance dating back several centuries which relies on the dancer's dynamic use of eye movements, facial expressions, mudras, and rhythmic footwork.

Jumpy the Shark

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Mongoloid Amalgamated

Home: California, United States

Jumpy the Shark is a life size fiberglass shark built around a fully functional sport motorcycle

Dia de los Muertos, Monarchs and More

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Sander van de Bor

Home: California, United States

Sander van de Bor is a public installation artist and LED wearables creator. His work features large mechanical monarch butterflies inspired by Dia de los Muertos, which will fly in the dark room, and a large sunflower, a national symbol of Ukraine. Sander van de Bor is also showcasing his state-of-the-art LED wearables powered by supercapacitors, and a light up vest with over 200 LEDs.

Park Campus Makers

Faire: Lake County

Maker: Park Campus School

Home: Illinois, United States

Park Campus Makers is an after-school club that is excited to share some interactive toys and games that they have created.


Faire: Delft

Maker: Daniel Simu

Home: ZH, Nederland

Een circusartiest en een robot ontmoeten elkaar op het podium. Wat gebeurt er als een robot fysiek afhankelijk is van een mens om te kunnen balanceren? Kan een robot trucjes leren? Daniel Simu maakt samen met zijn Acrobot een unieke voorstelling over mechanica en circus. Dit project is gecoproduceerd door V2_ Lab voor de instabiele media.

Society of Women Engineers Wichita Section

Faire: Wichita

Maker: Society of Women Engineers - Wichita Section

Home: United States

SWE is a non-profit organization made up of both men and women who are dedicated to making known the need for women engineers and encouraging young women to consider an engineering education.

Amazing Steam Punk Art

Faire: Meridian

Maker: Keith Matthews

Home: Mississippi, United States

Mississippi’s little-known Steam Punk Maker will share a variety of interactive, three-dimensional art pieces made from found objects. Sprockets, gears, electrical components, wood and polished scrap metal are used to build imaginative works of art.

Playful Engineers: Artful Mechanisms

Faire: Pioneer Valley

Maker: Jay Mankita

Home: Massachusetts, United States

Playful Engineers teaching artist Jay Mankita presents a hands-on, drop-in, low-tech, toy-making workshop. Construct your own 'artful mechanism' using popsicle stick linkages, and paper clip crankshafts. You'll build a basic mechanical structure, overlaying your own design as the output to send a message, tell a story, accomplish a task, or bring a character to life. Your design needs may lead you back to modifications of the your mechanism. We'll make ordinary stuff act in extraordinary ways - great for kids, teens, and adults of all ages. Make a quick project, or stay the whole day!

Making Mobiles

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Bruce Fox

Home: California, United States

I do a 45 minute demonstration on how to make a hanging mobile of aluminum sheet and wire. This done in the original style of Alexander Calder.

The Royal Trumpets

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Adam Foster

Home: New York, United States

The Royal Trumpets are an EPIC series of 6 kinetic pyrotechnic sound sculptures that stand 15' tall, connected to a keyboard, you can make come play music!

The Royal Trumpets

Faire: Pioneer Valley

Maker: Adam Foster

Home: New York, United States

The Royal Trumpets are an EPIC series of 6 kinetic pyrotechnic sound sculptures designed to look like the medieval trumpets that greeted kings and queens. The Royal Trumpets stand 15' tall, connected to a keyboard, you can come play music!

Kinetic Gear Art Wall

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Kinetic Steam Works

Home: California, United States

Inspired by a steampunk cafe in Romania, we made an 8×20 foot wall of 120 CNC cut hardwood involute spur gears which all turn slowly in mesh and dazzle the senses.

3D-Printed Electric Marble Mazes

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Gualala Gadget

Home: California, United States

We have a variety of battery-powered 3D printed marble machines that we'd like to exhibit. Each model is 3D printed using PLA plastic on consumer FDM printers. This takes anywhere from six to fifteen hours, depending on each model's size and complexity. A model is made from two to seven PLA parts, which are inspected and cleaned of any residual plastic that's a byproduct of the printing process. (None of the models require support material, which simplifies the cleaning process). Once the PLA parts are prepared they, along with the electric parts are assembled into complete models. There's no painting — the plastic is the color it appears. The models are designed in Blender. They use a variety of different mechanisms to lift the marbles.

Vintage Coney Island Memorabilia

Faire: Coney Island

Maker: NULL

Home: New York, United States

I will be selling some of my collection of vintage Coney Island memorabilia.

Harmonijsko i kaotično njihalo

Faire: Zagreb

Maker: Popularizatori znanosti

Home: Bjelovarsko-bilogorska, Croatia

Niz jednostavnih njihala, zbog međusobne povezanosti, daju skladno harmonijsko titranje. Nasuprot tome, kaotično magnetsko njihalo ponaša se nepredvidivo. Dođite na demonstraciju i pojašnjenje fizikalnih zakonitosti koje uvjetuju njihovo ponašanje.

You Are Not Here

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Trouble

Home: New York, United States

In You Are Not Here Trouble proposes to extend their maze work into a metaverse environment, creating a 30 square meter virtual maze installation within a built maze. It will be accessible to viewers via VR headset, desktop, and cellphone.

Draco the Juggler’s Variety Juggling Show & Lessons

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Chris Garcia

Home: California, United States

Draco the Juggler is offering free drop-in lessons for families to learn various juggling props starting at 12 pm Sunday (Oct 22). Participants can stop by and try out chinese yoyos (diabolos), juggling balls, spinning plates, and various balancing props. Draco will also be doing a variety juggling show during his time there.

Caterpillar with Chariot

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Reuben Margolin

Home: California, United States

The Caterpillar with Chariot is 18 feet long, battery powered, and has a top speed of over two miles per week. The chariot has cams that make the caterpillar walk. But it is the caterpillar that pulls the chariot! I made it by hand and it took the better part of a year. Although, I suppose, it would be equally accurate to say that it’s taken me twenty years to make . . .

(1) Touch Deep Time; (2) Old copperplate engravings catch new light

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Norman Sperling

Home: California, United States

(1) The layers of the “Geological Column” are pages of Earth’s diary, with the oldest on the bottom, newest on top. I’m collecting the first Geological Column of rocks formed during every epoch in Earth’s history. 41 different strata you can touch, from 3.4 billion years old to contemporary — more than 3 times as many as at Grand Canyon. Backed by a striking striped panel telling ages and what Earth and Life were doing in each epoch. Feel how Earth developed! (2) When copperplate engravings gave way to lithography in the 1970s, an astronomical magazine set aside its old pictures. I've polished them, and turned them into a mobile to catch new light.