Maker Faire Rome 2023
Contenitore Unico di Identita Digitale
Idea One Network Technology is an Italian company that is dedicated to the interactive promotion of Italian products in the world, through eco-sustainable initiatives, with the mission of offering innovative solutions based on the simplest form of business digitalization: Augmented Reality, 3D technology and NFC sharing. Our unique product aims to optimize the economic results of companies, while safeguarding the environmental heritage. Our mission is to offer an innovative and unique solution for the digitalization of SMEs that integrates Augmented Reality, 3D technology and NFC (Near Field Communication) sharing, which can transform the user experience forever. Innovative Purpose With our technology, we can create virtual objects and interactive communications, using Augmented Reality to insert them into the real context and make the experience more engaging and immersive thanks to 3D vision. NFC allows digital transfer of information and product certifications in a simple and secure way. This technology can be applied to various purposes, such as content sharing, promotion of personal activities or updating of points of sale. Our solution represents a new way of interacting with the surrounding world, which stimulates interest in specific areas or products and improves the user experience. Board: Project Manager 1 Web Developer 1 Senior Developer 1 Copywriter 1 Communication Manager 1 President of the Study Center 1 Graphic and Videomaker Team 4 Communication Consultants Team Certified by our Study Center 17 Secretariat 2 Our company is driven by innovation and the evolution of communication. We believe that our true value is what you can appreciate in person. For this reason, we do not consider it relevant to communicate to you the identity of our team, but rather to show you the result of our work. We thank you for your understanding. Scaling Up To assess the market potential of our solution, we used the model that allows us to estimate the total demand, the reachable segment and the obtainable share for our product or service. In addition, we analyzed the following variables that influence our ability to penetrate the market and generate value: • Market need: the degree of need or desire that customers have for our solution and its differentiation from existing alternatives we have discovered that there is no company on the market that could be evaluated today as a true competitor. • Product-market fit: the level of adherence between the features and benefits of our solution and the needs and expectations of customers. • N° of active POCs: the number of proof of concept (Prof of Concept) that we have started with potential customers to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of our solution was quite reduced as the product is easily adaptable to any type of product. • N° of converted POCs: the number of proof of concept that have turned into contracts or actual orders from customers exceeds 90% of the value of proposals. • N° of active customers: we decided to give the opportunity to a small number of customers who were allowed to use our solution regularly and are satisfied with it, especially because we selected some particular products brought to market by small emerging companies as seen from presentation we sent. • N° of potential active customers: The number of potential customers who have expressed interest in our solution and are in contact with our sales group are unquantifiable since the product is an integral part of Bado’s Voucher 4.0
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One Network Technology S.r.l.
One Network, created by Giorgio Mihaila, an immigrant born in Romania in 1977 who arrived in Italy in 2010. Giorgio is the founder and CEO of One Network Technology SRL, a company that deals with training and promotion, teaching the use of digital technology among people who are less familiar with it. His personal and professional history was the source of inspiration for this innovative and exclusive project. Giorgio was born in Romania in 1977, in a normal family. From an early age, he shows a great curiosity and a passion for study and learning. He studies in Romania, finishing high school and specializing in Nursing. He chooses not to continue his studies at the University, and starts working as an entrepreneur and consultant for various companies. In 2010, he decides to move to Italy, looking for new opportunities and challenges. Here, he continues his activity as a consultant, but realizes the difficulties that many immigrants and Italian citizens face in managing their tax and social security practices, especially due to the poor knowledge of the regulations and procedures. For this reason, he decides to dedicate himself to the training and assistance of these people, creating a network of offices open in Italy, where he offers personalized courses and services. Thanks to his competence and sympathy, he earns the trust and esteem of thousands of customers. In 2020, he comes into contact with the world of digital technology and realizes its potential to improve the quality of life and work of people. In the first phase he is interested in NFC technology, but after a period he realizes that something much more performant was needed to be able to cope with the market demand regarding the Digitalization of SMEs and simple people who will have to use it and benefit from it. After much study and research, also a bit personally disappointed by the people who were his partners in the first technology company, he decides to put himself once again in search of the best solution. Always keeping the objective of simplicity and the need for people to use technology without having various skills, he manages to create a unique product that is nothing more than a hybrid between augmented reality, 3D and NFC (Near Field Communication), which allow you to create virtual objects and interactive communications, inserting them into the real context. Giorgio has the idea of applying these technologies to his experience as a consultant, to offer a revolutionary solution to his customers and all users who want to approach the digital world in a simple and easy way to use and understand. To realize his dream, he puts together a team of people with experience in various sectors of digital and together with a trusted friend who met through his first experience with the digital world, he decides to create One Network. One Network is a company that has as its mission to give everyone the opportunity to start using digital technology one step at a time with a disarmingly simple device and with the support of a Study Center. It is an interactive device with triple technology capable of sharing in a few seconds all the information necessary to manage all business content, but also to discover new products and services, share content and promote your personal activities. One Network is an innovative and unique project of its kind, born from personal and professional history that has been able to transform difficulties into opportunities, thanks to his passion for study, learning and technology.