Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 149 Results

EPICC Hayas. Proyectos Integradores.

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Mariana Barradas Fernández

Home: Veracruz, Mexico

Conoce y juega con los prototipos desarrollados en proyectos integradores interdisciplinarios por alumnos y docentes Makers en el Colegio Las Hayas: Ph-ChemiCode, Máquinas de Reacción en Cadena, Manufactura de Plástico Reciclado y mucho más!

3D Printed Roller Coasters

Faire: Delft

Maker: Patrick de Groot

Home: Zuid-Holland, Nederland

Vorig jaar was-ie al te zien bij de Maker Faire Delft: een 3D geprint model van een van mijn favoriete achtbanen: Stunt Fall! Dit jaar zal die weer vertrouwd zijn rondjes rijden. Bovendien is de bouw van een spectacular nieuw model te volgen!

Girasole: Sensing in Farming

Faire: Rome



The system consists of a network of wireless IoT sensors in the shape of a sunflower equipped with a photovoltaic panel and internal battery. These devices are configured to monitor specific applications, and the collected data is transmitted to our completely Italian cloud system, where it is processed by artificial intelligence algorithms to make visible predictions on the Sunflower App. For example, the application supports farmers in reducing water waste for irrigation, reducing fertilizers and treatments, and improving productivity.

Yeastime s.r.l. Startup Innovativa

Faire: Rome

Maker: Yeastime s.r.l. startup innovativa


Yeastime Start Up S.r.l. develops a fermentation 2.0 process using an innovative stimulation cycle applied dynamically to bioreactors. The technology is equipped with sensors aimed at real-time monitoring and integrated with a mechanical wave generator, which can optimize the process by reducing the overall duration by 30 percent. The product, obtained through this technology, will result from an optimal interaction between the target microorganism and the basic ingredients.

Standing Byrd Creations

Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: Wade Byrd

Home: Louisiana, United States

See above.

Bubi priča

Faire: Zagreb

Maker: Želimir Bistrović

Home: Međimurje, Croatia

Bubi robot još uči. Prije smo ga mogli samo pitati, a sada i on pita nas.

Taller: Programa un robot con Scratch por Minilabs

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Eduardo Robles

Home: Baja California, Mexico

En nuestro taller aprenderás a programar el robot MiniCode utilizando lenguaje a bloques tipo Scratch para tus proyectos, no se requiere experiencia, por lo que es una actividad ideal para niñ@s, docentes y principiantes con interés en la robótica.

LAIght World / Stars at your Hands

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Luis Jimenez Cu

Home: Guatemala, Guatemala

LAIght World y Stars at your Hands combinan AI, IoT, electrónica digital y arte digital para que puedas controlar la iluminación y las animaciones utilizando gestos y movimientos.


Faire: Rome

Maker: Feel-ING SRL


The SENTINEL project aims to promote wellness in the workplace providing an ad-hoc platform to monitor psychophysics pitfalls that could threaten workers’ and teams’ security. Being in the context of Internet of Things (IoT), it exploits wearable and comfortable devices (such as smartwatches, smart clothes or sports bands) and emotive artificial intelligence algorithms.

Audace Sailing Team, Università degli Studi di Trieste

Faire: Rome

Maker: Università degli Studi di Trieste


Audace Sailing Team is this: 50 students, 3 boats, 2 different challenges and a real big goal: to keep growing. Inspired by the highest level sports teams, we manage the entire process behind the creation of racing prototypes. From design to construction to racing, supported by logistics, marketing and image departments. And with an added challenge: looking for sustainable solutions without sacrificing performance.

Smart Medikit

Faire: Rome

Maker: Federico Traverso


Smart Medikit is a kit that can help anyone to be able to rescue any human subject in an emergency through the help of a digital assistant who, through sensors and questions, will give instructions to the rescuer, the kit is suitable for everyone and it is compact so that anyone can always carry it with them so they can be ready for any emergency.

Immersive Cube Experience

Faire: Rome

Maker: EY


The "Immersive Cube" is a three-dimensional environment that offers an immersive experience by projecting content, images and videos onto all the inner surfaces of the cube. In addition, it will be possible to further immerse oneself in virtual reality by using VR and AR headset, allowing the user to interact with objects and digital spaces. In detail, the experience will be divided into three different use cases: - TEA Research lab, which will allow the user to learn about genome editing projects for stronger, climate-resilient plants - Malteria Brewery Virtual Tour, where the user will be able to explore the secrets of the malt house, interact with themed objects and discover the traceability function of the beer in bottle - Sensorial Tour; here, users will be able to test themselves, trying to associate the right type of oil with the aroma perceived inside the Cube. What the three experiences have in common is a new way of conveying information and learning notions that are often complex (such as neuroscience or genome editing) or difficult to physically reach (such as visiting a malt house). This allows the public to learn more about the products they are going to buy, and be more aware of new scientific discoveries useful in underlining concepts such as made in Italy, food sovereignty and sustainability.

Spireat un futuro sostenibile

Faire: Rome

Maker: algaria srl


the project we are presenting this year derives from the technological innovations presented in recent years and will lead to the request for a new patent, application presented in 2022. the project concerns the optimization of natural light on productions in open pond systems on the production of microalgae by improving the performance of production and returns on investment in technologies that are still not very mature, and which will also make it possible to improve the capture of CO2 which is already naturally efficient in microalgal production systems,

Kaboomlaser – The Dutch Puzzle Factory

Faire: Delft

Maker: Matthijs Keuper

Home: Noord Brabant, Nederland

Kaboomlaser is een eigenzinnig bedrijf dat het graag anders doet. Wij maken unieke houten puzzels van berkenhout. Puzzels waarmee je een avond kan ontspannen, maar ook puzzels die je weken zullen bezighouden.

SPOCH – Smart Protection of Cultural Heritage

Faire: Rome

Maker: Fondazione ITS BACT


Human – Machine Collaboration - Industry 5.0, Hi-Tech modular system composed of glove, drone, microscope and APP enhanced with IoT devices and ML Artificial Intelligence to identify the type of degradation and material in the Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Smart Hand (Glove) with carbon frame, digital/electronic camera and microscope, air quality sensor, laser scanner to safely enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the data collection process in the non-invasive preliminary and diagnostic investigation of Architectural Restoration; through Cloud APPs and ML Machine Learning models.

Rocket Launcher

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Fabian Alfonso Flores

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Rocket Launcher es hardware avanzado, pero fácil de usar.

Hamptons Yarn Amanda Schaefer Fiber Artist

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Amanda Schaefer

Home: New York, United States

Amanda Schaefer of Hamptons Yarn will demonstrate the process of how raw alpaca fiber is turned into yarn suitable for textile production (knitting, crochet, weaving). Examples of handspun yarn and knitted samplers will be available to view.

Ternary Computer System

Faire: Rome

Maker: Claudio La Rosa


We design a new type of microprocessor, which works with ternary logic (instead of the usual binary). The immediate benefits of the ternary are: Compact information much better (than binary system); It reduces the size of the chips (especially the memory, which today occupies most of the surface). Our idea offers technological advantages that enable a great leap forward in traditional processing and supercomputing. It is optimally applied to the emerging fields of artificial intelligence and the brain-machine connection. Some neurobiological research groups are implementing neural networks with modeling of neurons using three states, because this better matches the activity of neurons. We design, write specifications (ISA) and implement ternary microprocessors.

Calidad de aire en interiores con ESP32

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Angel Isidro

Home: Guatemala, Guatemala

En este taller aprenderás como programar el sensor BME680 para calidad de aire en interiores y publicación de datos en la plataforma Adafruit IO. Utilizaras una de las tarjetas desarrolladas por el laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo Tesla Lab.

PC Fisso Portatile – Portable Desktop

Faire: Rome

Maker: Mirko Tumbiolo


Our project consists in changing the common use of a desktop, allowing you to carry it wherever you want with the comfort of a simple backpack. It consists precisely in mounting the hardware on a wooden fiber structure which in turn fits into a specially modified backpack to allow the use of peripherals, an integrated display with stereo sound system and which guarantees adequate cooling. In addition, thanks to a battery we were able to guarantee a desktop computer an autonomy and much greater than a laptop, of 50 hours.

Sculpting Aquarius

Faire: Rochester

Maker: Brian Miller

Home: Pennsylvania, United States

Guests will be able to learn how to create a small stone figurine with a hands on experience, and be able to keep what you make. A chance to ask questions, pick the artist's brain and see all materials that go into creating a finished piece.


Faire: Rome

Maker: luca cortelli


Cortex is the universal controller for CNC machines or industrial automation. It is equipped with the GRBL HALL firmware, a well-known open-source firmware that allows for the control of such machinery, and a customizable and expandable user interface. The controller has been designed to meet the needs of both the industrial sector and makers, ensuring the right level of safety and ease of assembly, thanks to its RJ45 connectors that simplify and speed up wiring, reducing connection errors. In this way, even those without specific knowledge in electronics or informatics can use it easily and intuitively, making work even more manageable. The main goal of the project is to create a community that can develop the CNC technologies, a sector that has been somewhat neglected compared to that of 3D printers, despite its importance in the industrial field. Cortex offers makers and industry professionals the necessary tools to develop and improve their own projects. Its flexibility and versatility make it suitable for various applications in which the control of motors, sensors, and actuators is necessary, in addition to its use on CNC machines.


Faire: Rome

Maker: Helios Domotics S.r.l.


lit has developed a user-friendly product that allows you to monitor domestic and commercial electricity. Using a plug and play device, which works through AI and Machine Learning, lit allows you to reduce energy waste and CO2 emissions. The solution is made up of two parts: the litbox (the hardware component), which is installed on the phase or life-saving cable, and the litapp (the software component), which translates the user's consumption in terms of energy used, money spent and CO2 emitted, for each device.

ELIO IOT: The most complete IOT development board

Faire: Rome

Maker: Maestry Srl


ELIO is a special set of electronic boards dedicated to teaching and prototyping of electronic projects through visual programming. ELIO IOT is the "brain" of the ELIO ecosystem and is the most complete board on the market based on the new ESP32-S3 microcontroller. ELIO PLAY is the visual editor that allows you to program boards simply by dragging and combining a large set of logic commands.

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