Maker Faire Hudson Valley 2023
Home: New York, United States
Bharatanatyam is an Indian dance form origninating from the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is a dance dating back several centuries which relies on the dancer's dynamic use of eye movements, facial expressions, mudras, and rhythmic footwork.


Jeeno Joseph
Jeeno Joseph is a Bharatanatyam dancer based in NY. He is a disciple of Dr. Francis Barboza. Jeeno often presents his Guru's unique choreographies which explore Bharatanatyam’s scope to convey a myriad of themes and motifs within both Hindu and Christian scripture. Beyond his ongoing growth and journey as a dancer, Jeeno earned his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Stony Brook University and is a co-founder of NYC Adavu; a weekly meetup for like minded dancers to practice together and develop a sense of community.
What Inspired You to Make This?
Bharatanatyam is respected artform in the south indian community but it is unknown in the western world. We hope to expand it's audience base by performing it for new audiences to continue the propogation of this beautiful dance form.