Maker Faire Orange County 2023
Nonscriptum LLC
Home: California, United States
Meet the authors of the books Make:Geometry and Make:Calculus, and see how to use 3D prints, paper, and construction toys to teach these subjects.

Nonscriptum LLC
Nonscriptum LLC is the creative partnership of Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron (www.nonscriptum.com). They teach people how to teach and learn math and science using 3D printers and other maker tech.
https://www.nonscriptum.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
Our company started to teach people how to use 3D printers. Most of our clients were schools, and we saw quickly that there was a need for curriculum that USED maker tech to teach STEM, rather than teaching making per se. We have occupied that niche for several years now.