Maker Faire Orange County 2023
Environerd Studios
Home: California, United States
Katie Pelon of Environerd Studios authors and illustrates educational children's books that teach about wildlife conservation. Learn how to draw in a nature journal at our booth!
Katie Pelon
Katie Pelon is an environmental educator in Los Angeles, California. She authors and illustrates children's books with the intention of creating engaging, educational experiences that inspire young readers to care about the ocean. In her free time, she enjoys tide pooling, crafting, and whale watching. She holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Education from Antioch University New England and a Bachelor of Science degree in Ecology and Evolution from University of California Santa Cruz.
More...What Inspired You to Make This?
I'm inspired to write educational children's books by the incredible reactions I've received from kids who have participated in activities I've developed in the past. Protecting wildlife and our oceans is the most important thing to me, and I was a part of environmental education for years before venturing into writing my own books.