Maker Faire Yearbook 2024


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University of Wyoming Innovation Network

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: University of Wyoming Innovation Network

Home: Wyoming, United States

We are a University Makerspace in Wyoming open to students, faculty, staff and the public. We have a 4-H Makerspace Club and provide access to machines, tools, materials and supplies across 3 locations at the University of Wyoming. We will have Poke Made: games, swag and projects on display.

Comedy Improv

Faire: WNY Regional

Maker: Mike Kowal

Home: Nebraska, United States

Comedy Improv performance and workshop for interested participants. 2 hour show of short form improv. WNYImprov has performed for several years throughout WNY as well as in Ontario, Myrtle Beach and the Orlando Comedy Festival

Orange Makers

Faire: Aarhus

Maker: Orange Makers

Home: Denmark

Oplev hvordan forskellige teknikker og maskiner bringer os fra ide til produkt. Vi viser og fortæller om 3D-print, maskinebroderi, folieskæring, upcycling af batterier til powerbanks, programmering af LED. + Se lydbølger blive til vand- og lyskunst.

Louisville Pure Tap

Faire: Louisville

Maker: Louisville Water Company

Home: United States

Louisville Water has been serving our area with high-quality drinking water since 1860. Our water is so good, it even has a name - Louisville Pure Tap®. Find us outside the Red Barn for unlimited free refills of ice-cold water all day long!

Mon coach brico

Faire: France

Maker: Mon coach brico

Home: France

Expertise en bricolage : Nos coachs sont des professionnels avec des années d'expérience, qui connaissent les problématiques courantes des amateurs de bricolage et savent comment rendre ces compétences accessibles. Expériences interactives : Les visiteurs repartiront avec des connaissances concrètes et auront la possibilité de participer activement à des projets DIY en direct. Encouragement à l'auto-formation : Nous voulons contribuer à la culture du faire soi-même (DIY)

démonstration de tournage

Faire: France

Maker: Atelier Terr'Eve

Home: France

Je transforme pour vous, le grès en pièces uniques, utiles et durables. Toutes mes céramiques sont fabriquées dans mon atelier une à une, de mes mains. Le choix du grès vous permet de profiter au quotidien de toute ma gamme car vous pouvez tout passer au lave-vaisselle, au micro-ondes ou encore au four. Je façonne cet effet marbré, de manière aléatoire, en alternant plusieurs couches de grès blanc et de grès coloré.

FIRST Long Island Robotics

Faire: Long Island

Maker: FIRST Long Island

Home: New York, United States

FIRST Long Island, a 501c3 not-for-profit all volunteer organization administers and hosts over 20 FIRST Robotics Competitions annually for more than 5,000 students on Long Island, including all robotics teams at the Maker Faire.

Raditive Prints LLC

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Tony Blair

Home: New York, United States

I make and sell fidgets, decor and other awesome 3d printed items. I also bring my 3D printer and talk and explain to kids alike what 3d printing is and how its great!

Halfmore – Roth IRA for Your Child

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Halfmore

Home: California, United States

Halfmore ( is a fintech company that helps parents build wealth for their children. We convert household chores into contributions for a child’s Roth IRA. Busy Parents: Visit our table to learn how to build wealth for your child.

UWM Prototyping Center

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: Kyle Jansson

Home: Wisconsin, United States

The UWM Prototyping Center exists to create what our clients think up! We are machinists, model makers, and engineers who go from our clients product ideas into products. Come see a variety of parts to ask and learn how they are designed and made!

Air pollutants monitoring by remotely sensed data

Faire: Rome

Maker: Università degli Studi del Sannio - Benevento

Home: Italy

Handing, processing and analyzing data of pollutant elements in the Rome area, from 1999 to the present, acquisition from ESA IoT air quality devices (Air Quality Platform-AQP) and official ARPA stations with the evaluation of their correlation with the time-space co-localiting with EO satellite data of Sentinel-5P. Machine Learning - Catboost algorithm - to reconstruct the correlation between the change in average nitrogen dioxide values in 2024 over the Rome area detected by ARPA and Sentinel-5P stations.

Lobster Tee

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Lobster Tee

Home: California, United States

We print shirts featuring completely original pieces of artwork. Our catalog of unique illustrations are created exclusively by Bay Area artists and showcase themes from various NorCal communities. Using a combination of celebratory, humorous, and hyper-local references we give nod to the inside lore of life in the Bay Area. If you ride BART, live in Oakland, eat burritos in the Mission, work in tech, or just worry about the Millennium Tower falling on you, you'll find something to enjoy in our collection. All of our designs are inspired by and in service to Bay Area culture. And they're hellah fine.

Cibo per lo Spazio

Faire: Rome

Maker: ENEA

Home: Italy


Genetic Makerspaces – How to create a sustainable school makerspace

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Genetic Education

Home: California, United States

Creating a SUSTAINABLE middle or high school makerspace is a daunting task and with so many unknowns. What are they? How much funding is needed? How do they fit into educational pathways? How do you fund them? What do the teachers need? Admin goals? What are the desired outcomes for students? What tools, equipment, infrastructure, furniture, and technology? Why even create them? It's not just about the space and the tools/technology objects within. It's a philosophy of making more capable humans. It's about helping students discover their inner maker and finding their own path forward in life. At Genetic Education, we offer (on-line) master classes in makerspaces, curriculum, and consultation services. We can help you every step of the way, from idea, to ribbon cutting, and beyond.


Faire: Trieste

Maker: Mittelab APS

Home: Italia/Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

Mittelab è un hackerspace ovvero luogo dove appassionati di informatica, elettronica e tecnologia in generale si incontrano per condividere idee, progetti e arnesi. Da noi troverete i progetti nati al nostro interno e persone entusiaste che ve ne parleranno!

ATC Tour Schedule

Faire: Rocklin

Maker: Vance Klinke

Home: California, United States

Do you enjoy building or fixing things? Do you want to use your creativity to design, manufacture, or repair specific products or devices? Consider earning a degree or certificate in the Applied Technology (ATC) Interest Area where you’ll gain in-demand skills and experience using the latest techniques and technologies. We will be hosting ATC tours on the hour starting at 10:30am highlighting Advanced Manufacturing, Motorsports, Building Industires, Mechatronics, and Welding Technology.

Taller Pavón

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: José Francisco Pavón Figueroa

Home: Tlalpan, Mexico

Somos un taller de dos generaciones. Mobiliario y objetos especializados, hechos a mano. Ofrecemos talleres de torno, talla y carpintería Básica.

Peninsula Precious Plastics

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Peninsula Precious Plastics

Home: California, United States

We are a non profit organization inspired by @realpreciousplastic that supports local ART and STEM projects focused on sustainability in San Carlos, California. We work with high school students and community members to up-cycle plastic waste in to long life product. We also work with artist and entrepreneurs to help them integrate upcycled plastic waste into their projects.

Solar Observing and Radio Telescope

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Valley of the Moon Observatory Association (VMOA)

Home: California, United States

Valley of the Moon Observatory Association will offer solar observing for Faire attendees. Attendees can see sun spots and solar prominences through shielded telescopes. The Santa Rosa Junior College Physics club will also demonstrate the Completely Hackable Amateur Radio Telescope (CHART).

POP! Draw

Faire: Long Island

Maker: POP! Draw

Home: New York, United States

Come join POP! Draw in sketching the amazing cosplayers @ Maker Faire, or get drawn yourself! We provide art materials & some instruction if wanted. Let the likes of Batman, Iron Man, Star Wars be your inspiration in creating your FAN-tastic ART!

Promocija Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija

Faire: Sarajevo

Maker: Mediha Muslić-Musić

Home: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Na ovogodišnjem Sarajevo Maker Faire 2024, Fakultet zdravstvenih studija- Univerziteta u Sarajevu, uzet će učešće u cilju promocije i prezentaciji studijskih planova i programa.Studenti Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija će kroz kreativan i praktčni rad prikazati aktivnosti, metode i tehnike mjerenja koje se provode u okviru praktičnog dijela nastave na fakultetu, a neizostavan su dio očuvanja i unapređenja zdravlja zajednice.

RIT's Multidisciplinary Robotics Club

Faire: Rochester

Maker: MultiDisciplinary Robotics Club

Home: New York, United States

MDRC is committed to creating an inclusive and inviting space where anyone at RIT can learn about robotics, foster technical and interpersonal skills, and propose their own unique robot ideas.

Hardware Store Harmonograph

Faire: Lynchburg

Maker: Julie Schaer

Home: West Virginia, United States

My Harmonograph can DRAW music!

Above & Beyond Children's Museum

Faire: Sheboygan

Maker: Emma Wigand

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Join Above & Beyond Children's Museum at the Sheboygan Maker Faire! Have fun creating custom bubble wands & experimenting with different types of bubbles. Additionally, learn about fun programs & events happening throughout the summer at the museum!