Maker Faire Rome 2023
Elliptical - wireless design speaker
With more than 25 years of experience in the field of music production, acoustics and sound engineering, Elliptical represents the tribute in the creation of products for audio reproduction extremely accurate both in their design and in the audio resulting from the long experience gained in the field. Sinuous and innovative shapes, cutting-edge materials and production technologies, attention to detail and craftsmanship are fused together to produce unique limited edition pieces that focus on sound, design and craftsmanship. We produced Limited Edition Design speaker, entirely designed, engineered and produced in Italy, with Wi Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, that provides elegance and design to every part of the house and can also moves with you, thanks to its portability. More than 5 years of development in our R&D laboratories to find the best shape and proportions to concentrate all the quality of the Elliptical experience in such a small space, to offer you a refined and unique musical enjoyment. Play music, radio, audiobooks and more from all your favorite services and take the sound from room to room or wherever you want, even outdoors. The total absence of cables makes the aesthetic aspect of Alpha One extremely elegant. Control Alpha One easily with the app, when connected to Wi-Fi, and switch to Bluetooth® when you leave. For multi-room listening, add more Elliptical speakers throughout your home. All system components connect to each other via Wi-Fi. Immerse yourself in an extremely wide sound field of deep bass and defined treble wherever you want to listen inside your home and outdoors. Get the full Elliptical experience at home via Wi-Fi, even for multi-speaker connections, and switch to Bluetooth when you go out. Elliptical is our tribute to music and beauty. We are based in Rome, Italy.
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Dario Colozza
I'm Laura Banut, I'm 40 and I've been Roman by adoption for 13 years. I am a management engineer, with an Executive MBA, I work in the energy sector and I mainly follow the Procurement part. Co-founder of Elliptical, I follow the part of Purchasing and Contracts with suppliers, Strategic Marketing and Product Design. I am a dreamer, and I always throw my heart beyond the obstacle, my passion for Design and Art, together with the search for beauty have helped me in this new challenging and beautiful journey. I'm Dario Colozza, I'm 40 years old and I'm from Rome, I'm an environmental engineer, with an Executive MBa, I work in the field of renewable energy and sustainability. In addition to this path following many years of experience in the fields of music production (after many years in which I played the electric guitar in many Roman rock and blues bands, I'ma producer of experimental electronic music under the pseudonym Ynaktera, http://www.ynaktera.com, 10 years ago I founded more than electronic music label Stochastic Resonance, https://stochastic-resonance.bandcamp.com/, https://stochastic-resonance.net), of sound engineering and environmental acoustics, I founded Elliptical in 2022 to produce music reproduction devices that followed my research path by merging my music production skills, acoustics, design into a product.