Maker Faire Rome 2023
We introduce Brailly, an interactive cube made for visually impaired people of every age, who would like to learn Braille in a fun way. Brailly is a 3D printed cube that consists of a speaker with an audio guide for learning simple words and letters in Braille. Learning Braille happens through a set of individual or collaborative exercises. Users can learn how to “write” in Braille by clicking on buttons, which imitate the Braille alphabet. Learning how to “read” the letters happens through haptic dowels. Our first prototype consists of 3D-printed inside parts made from PLA and an outside shell made from TPU95 material which makes the cube safe for kids. Other important components are six buttons allowing for Braille input and six servo motors which are responsible for the Braille output. During Makers faire we would also like to present our new prototype which has significant improvements such as different motors, smaller size, better sound and quality.
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Katerina Koleva
We are Lars, Katerina, Magda, Heidi and Riccardo. We are all Master students in Human-Computer Interaction and Design as a part of EIT Digital Master School program. We have created Brailly as a student project at the FabLab at Universite-Paris Saclay, where we all studied together. We all come from different countries but we came together to create a project, which aims to make a social impact. We have created Brailly because we believe that accessible technologies can bridge the gap between humans and make everyone part of the society.