Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 677 Results

Faire: Aarhus

Maker: Søren Kring

Home: Denmark

Kidsprint viser hvordan man kan 3D printe droner, lave lasercutting af drone dele og 3D scanne med de nyeste Einscan håndscanner.

When Pigs Fly

Faire: Coney Island

Maker: OurNextMake

Home: Massachusetts, United States

Did you know that pigs can fly? ...well they can when you build your very own flying pig automaton! Learn how the OurNextMake team designed the contraption, and then design and make your own custom wings to take home a one-of-a-kind, flying pig!

University of Louisville KID Lab

Faire: Louisville

Maker: University of Louisville KID Lab

Home: United States

We are a Developmental Psychology research lab interested in looking at what children think about the world around them. We have fun and short games for children ages 5-to-12! Come be a kid scientist and help us do science!

Virtualna povijest – Hotelijersko-turistička škola u ZAgrebu

Faire: Zagreb

Maker: Virtualci

Home: Grad ZAgreb, Croatia

Virtualna povijest koristi najsuvremenije digitalne alate za svladavanje nastavnih sadržaja iz povijesti.

Tape Art with TJMS

Faire: Asheville

Maker: TJMS Tape Art Club

Home: North Carolina, United States

Come join students from Thomas Jefferson Middle School as we create a collaborative art project from masking tape. Students will be teaching the basics of masking tape art and helping participants make pieces to add to the project.


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)


Home: CDMX, Mexico

En el Pabellón de Hacedores podrás conocer acerca de la cultura maker, como lo implementamos en centros educativos y vivirás de primera mano algunas experiencias de aprendizaje.

WellVentions World & Innerspace Puppet Show

Faire: Rochester

Maker: WellVentions

Home: New York, United States

Come laugh, play, color puppet characters, and enjoy as we educate and entertain you with Wellventions Innerspace puppet show. Allow your tastebuds to be delighted by making your own smoothie on our peddle powered blender bike.


Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: CAPS

Home: California, United States

CAPS is an organization of current and former comics professionals — artists, writers, colorists, letterers, and other creators in the non-animated cartoon arts. The Comic Art Professional Society (CAPS) was founded on June 9, 1977.

Sesame Street Finger Puppets

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Kyla Merriman

Home: New York, United States

Come make your own Sesame Street finger puppets with PBS KIDS from WCNY! Choose your favorite character, or make a whole handful. When you've completed your creation, take a photo with some of our Sesame Street friends!

Self-Directed Recycled Makerspace

Faire: Miami

Maker: The Miami Sudbury School

Home: Florida, United States

Let young people self-direct as much as possible - starting here with a self-directed makerspace full of clean recyclables. While adults love to provide help and guidance, autonomy can be an important and powerfully creative experience.

Play with beads!

Faire: WNY Regional

Maker: Kristen Palmeri

Home: New York, United States

Make beaded jewelry! Play with beads and stringing material. Make something cool to wear!

Zygmunt Ramsay

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: Zygmunt Ramsay

Home: California, United States

My exhibit teaches kids the basics of circuitry by challenging them to figure out how to make a light-up hairclip using an LED, a battery, a hairclip, and tape. I am exhibiting a clock made out of 3 3D-printed dominos with LEDs underneath the dots.


Faire: Pensacola

Maker: Courtnie Kidd

Home: Georgia, United States

A luxurious collection of handcrafted products for gifts, party favors, and mementos. Resin, 3D, florals, jewelry, and more.


Faire: Wichita

Maker: Wendie Ewertz

Home: United States

Huge Kaleidoscope made from scrap materials used on aircraft interiors.

The Dalekorn

Faire: Elkhorn

Maker: Megan Colby

Home: Wisconsin, United States

The Dalekorn is a full size Dalek replica from the BBC show Dr Who with a unicorn chaser. Half Dalek, half unicorn - 100 percent awesome.
More – Lămpi personalizae 3D

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Vlad Petre

Home: Moldova

Produs unical în Moldovei, iubitorii de ceva deosebit pot să-și diversifice anturajul camerei sale cu o lampă personalizată. Indiferent dacă le așezi pe un raft cu cărți sau pe o noptieră, cutiile noastre luminoase vor adăuga magia casei tale.

Nerdy Derby

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Nerdy Derby

Home: Noord-Brabant, Nederland

De Nerby Derby baan geeft plezier voor jong en oud! Maak zelf een auto en kijk welke het snelste door de baan vliegt. Iedereen werkt op zijn of haar eigen werkbank en na afloop mag je de zelfgemaakte auto natuurlijk mee naar huis nemen


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)


Home: MEXICO, Mexico

El estado debe coincidir con la localización y capital para que encienda el led, si no coincide se mantendrá apagado.


Faire: Rome



Our vision is to create a green, self-sufficient and exceptionally beautiful sports shed that is a beacon of inspiration for sustainability, well-being and architectural beauty. We want to contribute positively to the environment and the community, offering a place where people can train, socialize and learn, all while living in harmony with nature, a place that inspires and meets the needs of athletes today and for future generations.

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

Faire: Calgary

Maker: James Mcguire

Home: Alberta, Canada

Do you have what it takes to captain a star ship How good are your piloting skills, taunt enemies ,scan for hazards, repair the ship or fire the main weapons. all this is possible, Take on enemies and win the battle , Shields up phasers on fun

Betz Botz

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: Joseph Betz

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Ever wanted to drive a combat robot? Here's your chance! Battle your friends and learn more about Betz Botz, a Wisconsin based startup focused on growing the sport of combat robot fighting by running monthly competitions and selling robot kits.

Labirinti Scacchistici

Faire: Trieste


Home: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

Enigmi, solitari e labirinti scacchistici

Edmonton Rocketry Club (ERC)

Faire: Edmonton

Maker: Edmonton Rocketry Club (ERC)

Home: Alberta, Canada

The Edmonton Rocketry Club (ERC) is dedicated to the promotion of the sport of rocketry as a hobby. Ever want to build a rocket and learn what makes them go? Come and see us to learn more.

Mega Bubble Man

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: NULL

Home: New York, United States

Mega Bubble Man presents The Mega Bubble Man Playground, the ultimate in bubble making! Imagine stretching a bodacious bubble 15 to 20 feet! Learn how to make your own huge bubbles, twisting and turning in the air.