Maker Faire Rome 2023
PLASTICDRAWN is a project that, with the help of 3D FDM printing, aims to raise awareness of the recycling of plastic packaging such as bottles and webbing. They are a frequent problem at organised events (such as trade fairs) and in logistical packaging operations (increasingly frequent nowadays), respectively. The aim is to put into action the process of realising the idea at the fair, in a kind of performance that raises awareness of recycling, presented as a real opportunity to make products, easily visible to the public present.
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Martino Colucci
Martino:Appassionato di informatica e alla ricerca di nuove tecnologie. Lavoro in un team nel settore ICT, dove sviluppo procedure e algoritmi per la logistica, implementando le tecnologie necessarie per terminali RF o tablet con app custom. Adriano:Product Designer, molto attento a progettare prodotti ecocompatibili e biodegradabili, con uno schema per il consumo circolare, utilizzando stampanti 3D FDM. Nico:Interior Designer, mi occupo di modellazione 3d e rendering fotorealistico, creando spesso texture BPR personalizzate che permettono al cliente una corretta simulazione della realtà.