Maker Faire Rome 2023
HoPE - Hands on Physics Experience
Assistive technology, music and robotics, applications of physics, electronics and computer science: with the HoPE project, male and female students realise STEAM projects of their own design in groups. The working method is that of collaborative learning and peer education under the guidance of more experienced high school students or university students from the University of Ferrara or MIT, creating high-tech devices with which one can interact directly and that can also inspire other students and makers with their creativity and skills.
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INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
The HoPE program began in January 2018, within the "A. Roiti" STEM oriented High School in Ferrara, thanks to a collaboration between the Institute, the Edgerton Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Ferrara branch of the INFN and the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Ferrara. The main protagonists are high school students guided by university students (as mentors), coordinated by Prof. Roberto Calabrese, Director of the INFN branch of Ferrara, by Ing. Ed Moriarty of MIT and by Prof. Maria CristinaTrevissoi teacher of the high school "Roiti".