Maker Faire Rome 2023


From the Pick&Place to the finished board (the #ESPy32). Project that involves the presentation of all phases from the design of the diagram, to the definition of the PCB, by means of CAD, to the creation of the circuit, to the assembly of the SMD components, through the specially created Pick&Place, up to the passage in the oven at controlled temperature for welding and finally testing. Both for educational purposes and for Maker projects. The project could be presented in technical schools. The project of some makers of Officine Robotiche, in the framework of AssoInnovazione.

#P&P2ESPy32 - Maker Faire
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Bruno Luziatelli Maker Photo

Bruno Luziatelli

Bruno Luziatelli, Mauro Cerelli, Gianluigi Perrella for OR-OFFICINE ROBOTICHE: Makers inside, Electronics, Robotics, Computer Graphics, CAD and Innovation Technology addict. They presents projects at all RomeMaker Faire editions Members of OR-Officine Robotiche part of AssoInnovazione

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