Maker Faire Rome 2023


Our patent, was created with the intention of creating a higienic and safe kit, for all the existing public doors. Our kit, eliminates the classic handles, keys and locks, in order to use one dispositive, that opens/closes and locks/unlocks a door, without using a Direct contact with the hands.
DOOR-GIENIC - Maker Faire

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Terrence Briscoe Maker Photo

Terrence Briscoe

Terrence Briscoe, was born in Rome in 1973. He has been working as a creative and craftsman, since 1991. His profession takes shape, through the experience obtained in varius creative and design, international contexts. Over the years, he focused the attention more on the design aspect of his ideas, obtaining new personalized solutions. At the moment, Terrence Briscoe is mainly involved i creating ambient solutions, in scenographic and interior design contents.

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