Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Vintage Computer Festivalers
Home: California, United States
Our goal is to demonstrate our vintage computers and consoles ranging from the 1970's to the 1990's so that the public can understand the technology that paved the way for modern computers/cellphones/game systems. These vintage 8-bit/16-bit computers, with names such as Commodore, Tandy, Apple, Atari, Texas Instruments, and more, ran at speeds of 1 MHz. or slightly more in comparison to modern 64-bit systems running at multi-gigahertz with multi-gigabytes of memory. With our vintage computers, the public will learn how programming, gaming, word-processing, computer art, computer music, and more.was just in its beginning stages. Project Photos
Vintage Computer Festivalers
Since the late 1990's, we have promoted the use and preservation of classic computers and videogame consoles.
https://forum.vcfed.orgWhat Inspired You to Make This?
We want to keep alive the history of computers and videogame consoles used in the past!