Maker Faire Rome 2023
Opening Technologies for Smart Communities
WeMake, fablab and makerspace in Milan, presents projects developed with different technologies and different impacts but share the same goal: to provide communities with tools and knowledge useful for the development of digital objects and services for the common good. Specifically, WeMake was involved in research and development in the IoT projects: - in the agricultural sector we have developed modules to save water and other resources; - in the civil field we tested a monitoring system of a distributed network through LoRa modules; - in the social field we have developed a wearable that helps connecting people in real life through simple non verbal communication defined by personal preferences and activities. At Maker Faire 2023 WeMake will present three physical prototypes.
https://www.wemake.ccAdditional Project Photos
WeMake S.r.l.
WeMake is an innovative makerspace based in Milan and provides a series of services and training to the creative community of the region in the field of digital and traditional manufacturing, high-value technologies and access to a fully equipped Fab Lab. Clearing the difference between prototype and finished object, we foster the development of a new model of designer-producer (maker) and small-scale company by facilitating the engineering phase, the rapid iteration of design solutions, the on-demand production of physical/digital artifacts.