Maker Faire Rocklin 2023
Leo programable robot
Home: California, United States
My project is a programmable robot named Leo. Leo uses omni wheels to move, which means that he can drive sideways! Leo can also follow lines made with black electrical tape. Come check out my table and have fun programming Leo. I'll walk you through the simple steps of code so that you can control Leo yourself! You can also learn about the cool, yet simple, way Leo is able to follow lines by building a custom race track.


Ben Frank
My name is Ben Frank and I go to Del Oro high school. I'm 14 years old. I want to be part of Maker Faire because I enjoy teaching others about science and tech in a fun way. I loved to come to Maker Faire when I was younger, and now I’m excited to be a part of it!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxOVnfHA9ixMupvLdbH3MlgWhat Inspired You to Make This?
I always loved coming to Maker Faire when I was younger and I wanted to make a project that I could showcase. I already had an idea for a robot like Leo and so I decided to build it. I had done quite a bit of 3D printing before (I have an Ender 3) and so I decided to incorporate it into the build. Overall, it was a fun build and I hope that I get to participate in Maker Faire!