Maker Faire Pensacola 2023

Doolittle STEM Outreach

Home: Florida, United States

Doolittle Institute's STEM Outreach promotes activities that will enhance the workforce of tomorrow by sharing how much fun STEM can be through hands-on activities for students of all ages. We will have a demonstration of databots 2.0 and the importance of data collection as well as small STEM challenges for children to complete.
Doolittle STEM Outreach - Maker Faire Pensacola


Claire Erk Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Claire Erk

Claire has been with Doolittle Institute since June 2023 as a STEM Program Administrator. She has a passion for STEM and is excited when students make a connection between real world applications and science. Prior to joining Doolittle Institute, Claire was a teacher math and science for 12 years in Okaloosa County.

What Inspired You to Make This?

STEM Outreach