Maker Faire Orange County 2023

DLC Customs

Home: California, United States

I am a Maker/ Industrial Design student in the Los Angeles area, and I am looking to show my diverse range of work and products. My products utilize manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, CNC, and traditional manual lathe/milling machines.
DLC Customs - Maker Faire Orange County


Luis De La Cruz - Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Luis De La Cruz

My name is Luis De La Cruz, I am a Maker/ Industrial Design student in the Los Angeles area, and I am looking to show my diverse range of work and products. My products utilize manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, CNC, and traditional manual lathe/milling machines.

What Inspired You to Make This?

My designs are inspired by everyday items. I use my manufacturing principles in order to design items that are easy to manufacture and assemble.

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