Maker Faire Rome 2023

Università e Innovazione: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari in Sapienza

An emerging sector of scientific research in Sapienza is increasingly oriented towards the development of the Agro-Food sector and in particular of the topics related to biotechnology (microbiology and technologies), food quality and safety, food chemistry and nutrition, management and the sustainability of agri-food supply chains. Teams of researchers are involved in several projects, financed at different levels by the European Community, by the MIUR and MASAF Ministries, by the Regions and directly by industry, for developing applied research and technology transfer.

Università e Innovazione: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari in Sapienza - Maker Faire


Scienze e tecnologie Alimentari - Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza Maker Photo

Scienze e tecnologie Alimentari - Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza

Current position. Carlo Giuseppe Rizzello, born in 1977, is Full Professor in Food Microbiology (scientific-disciplinary sector AGR16) at La Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Environmental Biology) from November 2020. Education and past positions. He achieved an honours grade M.Sc. in Agricultural Science and Technology from University of Bari. He has a PhD in “Microbiology, Health and Chemistry of Foods” (XVIII cycle) achieved at Department of Plant Protection and Applied Microbiology (University of Bari) in 2006, working on “Bioactive proteins and peptides”. He has been a Researcher at University of Bari (Department of Soil, Plant and Food Science) from January 2009 to October 2015 and Associate Professor in Food Microbiology at University of Bari (Department of Soil, Plant and Food Science) from October 2015 to November 2020. Bibliometric parameters: (orcid 0000-0002-0425-2892) He is author of 169 peer-reviewed articles (total citations, approx. 10256; h-index, 65 reported on Scopus). Edited books, book chapters and granted patents. He is author of 23 book chapters and 11 patents (with more than 25 extensions reported on google patents) Area of expertise. Proteomics and enzymology of lactic acid bacteria; bioactive compounds; nutritional and functional aspects of fermented foods; fermented food biotechnologies; biotechnological protocols for the food wastes valorisation. Institutional responsibilities – Commission of trust. He is member of the teacher board of the PhD course in Foods Microbiology, Technology, Chemistry and Safety of the University of Bari, and of the Councils of the degree courses of Food Science and Technology and Agro-Industrial Biotechnologies of the University of Rome. He was in the commission for the professional qualification of Food Technologist 2019-2020. He was an evaluation panel member for project proposals under the following calls: “Bando competitivo Fondazione di Sardegna – 2016” (Italy); “Bando 2017 CONICET – CUIA” (Italy/Argentina); COST scientific network (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) 2019, (Switzerland) OPUS-17 2019 (Poland). From 2022, he is vice-president of the SIMTREA, Italian Society Of Agro-Food And Environmental Microbiology. He was member of the organizing and/or scientific committees of the following Conferences: 2006, 3rd International Symposium on Sourdough, Bari (Italy); 2012, Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microbiologia Agraria, Alimentare e Ambientale, , Bari (Italy); 2017, 4th International Conference On Microbial Diversity, Bari (Italy); 2021, BREWER'S SPENT GRAIN fermentation: how an underutilized by-product becomes a food ingredient, International Workshop (on-line) co-organized by EIT Fodd network and European project FUNBREW. Editorial responsibilities. He is member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Food Microbiology and Foods. It was guest associate Editor for Frontiers in Nutrition, Frontiers in Microbiology, Foods, Fermentation and Microorganisms. He is actually engaged as co-Editor of the books: “Biotecnologia dei prodotti lievitati da Forno” (Casa Editrice Ambrosiana) and “Basic Methods and Protocols on Sourdough” (Springer Nature). Coordination/Participation of/to projects. He is/was involved in National and International public research projects: PNRR – CN2 Agritech (National); PRIN 2022 NEGESI (National, Scientific responsible); PRIN 2020 PROACTIVE (National); 2020-2022 Biopan (National, PON MISE) (Scientific responsible); 2018 - 2020 FunBrew call: SUSFOOD2 (European); 2017 - 2020 BIOCOSI’ Call: INNONETWORK (National); 2017 - 2020 INNOTIPICO, Call: INNONETWORK (National) 2017 – 2019 WASTEBAKE (Call: EUROTRANSBIO) (European); 2016 – 2020 Processing for healthy cereal foods, PRIN (National) (scientific responsible); 2007 – 2013 BIOTECA (National); 2014-2016 BIOPROT (Call: SUSFOOD) (European); 2011-2015 PON REC 2007-2013 (National); 2011 – 2015 PROINNO_BIT (National) (scientific responsible); 2006 RIDDIT (National); 2000 – 2006, 2005 – 2009 PON (National); 2005 - 2006 PRIN-COFIN (National); 2002 – 2004 PRIN (National); 2002 – 2005 FORMINNOVA (National); 2004 – 2006 CERES (National); 2001 – 2005 MAIA (National). Research projects with industries and incentives for technology transfer of results. He was scientific responsible for technology transfer projects with the following industries: Barilla S.p.A. (Italy); Casillo Next Gen (Italy); Celery Srl (Italy); Divella S.p.a. (Italy); Favero Antonio Srl (Italy); Ferrero (Soremartec Italia S.r.l.); Giuliani Srl (Italy); Interpan S.p.A. (Italy); Novelbread (Italy), Polaris Alimenti Srl (Italy); Puratos/Beldem (Belgium); ToscanaPane (Italy); Vallefiorita Catering Srl (Italy); VSL Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Gaithersburg MD, USA); Sammontana (Italy); Favero (Italy); Bauli (Italy); Reges Grande Impero (Italy). He has contributed to the creation of new i) companies: start-up Celery (innovative functional foods and beverages) Spin off BiocomLAB s.r.l (Biogenic compounds Lactic Acid Bacteria); Spin off MicroBiotech (Production of Starter for bakery, diary and wine companies) and ii) commercial food products and supplements: “Pane Giusto” (Giuliani Srl); “Bioscalin tricoage+” (Giuliani Srl); “Lichtena Equilydra” (Giuliani Srl); “Bontà di pane” (Giuliani Srl); “Farina-acqua-sale” (Novelbread Srl); “InSalute” alimenti a basso indice glicemico (Vallefiorita Srl); Pane tipo Toscano a lievitazione naturale (Sourdough Tuscan bread) (Toscanapane Srl); “Tramezzino light”, (Vallefiorita Srl); “Iuppi”, Plant-based yogurt and ice-cream (Celery).

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