Maker Faire Rocklin 2023

The DIY Magic of Amateur Radio - American Radio Relay League

Home: California, United States

Radio hams were the original Makers & Hackers, using new, used & scavenged parts to make transmitters, receivers & antennas capable of communicating with other hams anywhere on Earth. Amateur radio was the original social media and also offers opportunities to contribute to scientific and technical advancement, disaster preparedness and public safety. Visit our booth for a hands-on experience in the fascinating world of ham radio!
The DIY Magic of Amateur Radio - American Radio Relay League - Maker Faire Rocklin


ARRL Sacramento Valley Section Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

ARRL Sacramento Valley Section

The American Radio Relay League was established in 1914. Our Sacramento Valley Section serves nearly 2,000 radio amateurs and clubs throughout Northern California.

What Inspired You to Make This?

This exhibit is part of ARRL's public and youth educational outreach.