Maker Faire Rome 2023
Stomy Craft is a project of FAIS OdV that uses Minecraft to inform and pediatric patients and family members. With gamification, stool bag handling is simulated and appropriate feeding is taught. StomyCraft is a phygital project; alongside the video game, there are physical components: a LEGO-compatible element that can transform a miniature into a character with an ostomy bag and a bag cover that can be customized with the image you prefer. The goal of the project is to improve children's (and caregivers') acceptance of the condition to improve their quality of life. Project Photos
F.A.I.S. OdV
F.A.I.S. OdV (Federation of Associations for Incontinent and Stomized Individuals) is a Non-Profit Volunteer Organization that brings together Regional Volunteer Associations for the benefit of incontinent and stomized individuals. It was established on 29/11/02 in Rimini. FAIS has been recognized by both the EOA (European Ostomy Association) and the IOA (International Ostomy Association), becoming a full member of these international organizations. This recognition reflects its established tradition and credibility that various Italian Stomized Associations have gained over the years in the international arena.