Maker Faire Rome 2023
Sport-graf is a device capable of detecting the electrical activity of the muscle through the application of three electrodes on the skin, treated with the Arduino UNO board and a wave amplifier. The device consists of a breadboard housing the components of the power supply and amplification circuits. The amplifier is powered, through a dual generator, by a lithium ion battery. The chip amplifies the signal (INA128P) coming from the three electrodes and supplies an analog output read by the analog port of the Arduino, which, thanks to the serial plotter, shows a graph with the trend of the contraction and distension activity of the muscle fibres. Project Photos
IIS Edoardo Amaldi Roma
Alfonso Maria Giorgini attends the fourth year of high school scientist Edoardo Amaldi of Rome; it's not the first time that he engages in the design and creation of devices based on Arduino boards. Among his projects, in addition to the Sport-graf, there are the distance meter and the Plowing Rover. Among his experiences he records his participation in Arduino Day 2021 with the project "Distanziometer" and participation in the Rome Cup 2023 at which, with the work group led by him, with the engineering supervision of the University of TorVergata, presented the Aratrum Rover, positioning itself in second place on the podium of the Contests.