Maker Faire Rome 2023

Slammer: Un robot rover autonomo, nato come progetto per imparare la robotica e ROS 2

A rover robot built as a learnign platform for robotics. Based on several open source technologies (like ROS 2), it is also used as a development platform for uNav(, an advanced, open, motor control platform for robotic applications. This robot uses several sensors (Depth camera, lidar, IMU & GPS) to sense the surrounding environment, map and navigate autonomously, avoiding obstacles.AI Real-Time Object Detection algorithms are used to detect objects in the surrounding environment.
Slammer: Un robot rover autonomo

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Pizza Robotics

Software engineer, having electronics as a hobby since forever. In 2010 I discovered by chance the world of multirotor and UAVs. Initially, they were just simple Arduino-based projects but soon moved to more advanced platforms. In 2012, I started collaborating with the OpenPilot project and later, in 2015, co-founded the LibrePilot project (, mostly dealing with firmware and architecture. Currently, I'm interested in several other topics, including mobile robotics, ROS 2, products design and 3d printing