Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Robot On! presents Kung-Fu Fighting Robot SHOTWELL
Home: California, United States
Team Robot On! presents Shotwell, a Kung-Fu Fighting Robot with 15 metal gear servo motors for forceful punches and lighting quick maneuvers. Shotwell entered the arena for the first time at Robogames 2023, weighing in at 1.9 kg and 14 inches tall, placing fourth in Kung-Fu and taking silver medal in weight lifting. Kung-fu involves 2 remote-controlled robots in a boxing ring throwing uppercuts, side kicks, blocks, and dodges. Shotwell utilizes a leg linkage which keeps the legs parallel to the ground, a waist rotation axis, and beefy 2000 mAh LiPo battery. Designed and built by Kris Magri, a former Make: Magazine intern, piloted by Matt Ebisu, avid robot builder and robotics grad student, and kept in motion by operations manager Patty W. Project Photos
Robot On!
What Inspired You to Make This?
Inspiration was provided by 3 factors coming together: First, years of us saying 'someday I'm going to build…', second, the return of Robogames and MakerFaire after many years, and third … unexpected job layoffs! Clearly it was time to Robot On! After setting our sights on competing, we buckled down for four months of designing and building. Finally the day came, the robot stepped into the arena… and Shotwell was born!