Maker Faire NW Arkansas 2023

Radioshack Parts and Pieces

Home: Arkansas, United States

We have Arduinos/Feather Boards and some small educational electronic kits for kids and people wanting to learn about soldering or electronics.
Radioshack Parts and Pieces - Maker Faire NW Arkansas


Cody Vaughn Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Cody Vaughn

Cody has been working at RadioShack on and off since 2014. Because of this he has learned quite a bit about electronics, and has developed an interest in making/fixing circuits. He has experience working with Arduinos and Raspberry Pi's, but is currently only working with Arduinos due to the Raspberry Pi shortage.

What Inspired You to Make This?

We enjoy electronics and trying to get kids into it, since they are our future. And learning about it isn't really that difficult if you have fun projects to help you.