Maker Faire Pioneer Valley 2023
Precious Plastic MHC
Home: Massachusetts, United States
Precious Plastic MHC is a student-led organization at Mount Holyoke College with the goal of creating a closed-loop sustainable way of recycling plastic within the Mount Holyoke campus. Given that we see so much plastic waste coming out of the dining hall, we collaborate with the Dining Commons and other parts of the campus to collect plastic trash through which we aim to create products within the maker space. We use a machine called the injection machine to melt plastic and create small-scale products that can be used by students on campus.
Precious Plastic MHC
Precious Plastic MHC is a student-led organization at Mount Holyoke College with the goal of creating a closed-loop sustainable way of recycling plastic within the Mount Holyoke campus.
What Inspired You to Make This?
The original Precious Plastic project inspired us to make this project. The fact that Precious Plastic is open source really helped us to learn what they did and try them by ourselves too.