Maker Faire Rome 2023

Lidar a basso costo

This is a simple LiDAR with a TF-LUNA proximity sensor. The sensor accurately measures distances up to 5 meters using TOF technology and rotates thanks to a stepper motor. The NodeMCU coordinates calibration, rotation, and the collection of the point cloud, which is then processed by a computer. Initially, the project was intended for a different purpose and was commissioned by the recently deceased Professor Luigi Pagliarini, a pioneer in integrating robotics into art. All mechanical components were 3D printed.

Lidar a basso costo - Maker Faire

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Giorgio Liberini Maker Photo

Giorgio Liberini

Giorgio Liberini: Born in Fermo in 1981, he graduated in electronics and telecommunications from ITIS Montani. He currently works as an IT systems manager at a multinational jewelry design company. Always passionate about electronics, robotics, and physics, he became interested in 3D printing and digital manufacturing in 2017, embarking on his initial projects. Recently, he has ventured into the field of theater and started collaborating with EARTES CUM PANIS, developing projects for technological stage props.