Maker Faire Eindhoven 2023

FabCreator Lasers

Home: Nederland

Ontworpen, ontwikkeld en geproduceerd in Nederland. FabCreator CO2-laser snijmachines zijn ontworpen om door iedereen gebruikt te kunnen worden! Kom langs om de techniek te ontdekken!
FabCreator Lasers - Maker Faire Eindhoven


FabCreator Maker Faire Yearbook Photo


When tools were inaccessible and out of budget, FabCreator founders Bonne Wilce and Saskia Smits decided that they would build their own. Through the power of maker communities, open source projects and hard work, they designed a concept for a new range of digital fabrication machines. Presenting them at the first Maker Fair Berlin in 2015, they received a warm response from fellow makers inquiring “I want one of those”! In fact, the response was so strong that from that point on they set out to transform themselves from makers to manufacturers.

What Inspired You to Make This?

Frustratie dat er geen betaalbare kwalitatief goede maker tools beschikbaar waren. Dat er meer is dan 3d printen