Maker Faire NW Arkansas 2023

Punky Funky Lamps

Home: Arkansas, United States

Punky and Funky Lamps are one-off designs hand-made from things once loved and respected and then lost or rejected. Discarded tools, collectibles and instruments give light to their perfect imperfections as evidence of their real-life use and abuse.

Punky Funky Lamps - Maker Faire NW Arkansas


Kevin Holland Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Kevin Holland

Kevin Holland and his wife, Meg, are native to the Pacific Northwest. After retirement, they followed their grandkids and eventually wound up in Fayetteville about 1 year ago. About 5 years ago he was wandering around in his garage with nothing to do and spied a vintage blow torch he had collected. He said to himself, “Hey, I could make a lamp out of that!” That started a hobby that combined his artistic side and his love of making things… without any heavy lifting involved.

Meg Holland Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Meg Holland

Meg Holland and her husband, Kevin, have three sons, two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law and 5 grandkids. She is a Cricut devotee. She is very creative. Once focused on a project, she deep dives into it. Whenever she doesn’t know how to do something, she finds a way to learn how. The makers lab has been a great part of that learning process since moving here. Two of her grandkids live here in Fayetteville. They love coming over and heading straight to her art room to “make stuff”. Before retirement, Meg founded a food ba

What Inspired You to Make This?

I like studying seemingly unrelated things and imagining how they could be better together. I’ve always been artistic and liked making things with my hands. I’m motivated to see the things I make before I make them. Then I take on the challenge. These are some of those things I imagined.