Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Porsche Carriera Camping Trailer X Honda Prelute Pickup Truck
Home: California, United States
What do you do with a modern classic that's too expensive to fix? Make a camping trailer of course! The Porsche Carriera is a camping trailer made from the back half of a Porsche Boxster, with a slide-out camp kitchen, front storage compartment, rooftop tent, 270 degree awning and quadruple bike racks. It is towed by the Prelute, itself a franken-truck-car made from a Honda Prelude coupe, and recently updated with an off-road look. These two-of-a-kind vehicles are the first builds by RennSafari, my fabrication house offering custom commissioned builds based on modern-classic RAD-era platforms.
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Song Toh
By day, I am a Mechanical Engineer at an autonomous driving company. By night and weekends I like cutting cars up to make madcap vehicles that do things their manufacturers never intended. I’m also a dad of 3 and 7-year veteran of the Singapore Navy.
http://www.rennsafari.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
The Carriera Camping Trailer started life as an EV conversion project, but as these things go, it dragged out too long and I lost steam. Then in May 2022 I went to Overland Expo in Flagstaff, AZ, right after which I came home, bought a Sawzall, and started hacking away at the Boxster. 8 months later it was ready to start the camping season. Shortly afterward I decided to change up the lowered sport truck look of the Prelute to better pair it with the Carriera.