Maker Faire Rochester 2023
Making with Nature
Home: New York, United States
Learn how nature inspires design & engineering thru biomimicry (bird & trains; whale & turbines; burrs & velcro) & about adaptations of NY animals to see what inspires you. And make your own spyglass to see nature's creations to inspire your designs.

Betsy Ukeritis
Betsy is an environmental educator who has worked for over 20 years with NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). She considers herself more as a networker and connector of people and resources because she quickly realized that it was better to bolster other organizations and offer resources when she started the NYC environmental education program. She has spent her time in NYSDEC creating positions, creating titles for them, and then making them hers, first for over 10 years in NYC, and now for 10 years in Central NY. In Central NY, she created the Inter-regional Environmental Educator position, offering educational opportunities to teachers, youth, libraries, and non-traditional audiences like newly settled refugees and wounded veterans. Her need to listen to the local community and what they need is something she picked up quickly when she ran off to the Peace Corps in Romania after her BS in Wildlife Ecology, even if her time was cut short when she damaged a knee out camping with youth in th
What Inspired You to Make This?
:-) Again, Blame Dan. But also it's what I do as an environmental educator: pulling inspiration from nature and showing how nature can help solve issues.