Maker Faire Lynchburg 2023

Make a Liveable Future

Home: Virginia, United States

Make a Liveable Future. How would you reduce carbon dioxide emissions to preserve a liveable world for people in the future? Come by the Citizens' Climate Lobby and try your ideas on the MIT Enroads simulator. There is a solution.
Make a Liveable Future - Maker Faire Lynchburg


Citizens' Climate Lobby Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Citizens' Climate Lobby

The Citizens' Climate Lobby is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that is building political will for a liveable future. We use grassroots, grass-tops, and media outreach, and we lobbying congress.

What Inspired You to Make This?

This project enables people to understand how we can achieve an emissions-free economy. When they understand it, they can ask their elected representatives to take the right actions.