Maker Faire Rochester 2023


Home: New York, United States

I'm Wesley Appler! I'm a professional software engineer, hobbyist hardware engineer, an artist, and generalist. lamemakes is the summation of me and my projects. Come see what it's all about!
LAMEMAKES - Maker Faire Rochester


Wesley Appler Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Wesley Appler

I'm Wesley Appler, someone that likes to wear many hats. Among a few of my favorite are: professional software engineer, hobbyist electrical engineer, ham operator, artist, and overall maker/creative by nature. Often going under the psuedonym of Lamar Ingraham, it's my passion to grip ahold of imagination and forge it into reality. Most of my projects are in the form of visual art, or something that uses electricity - but priding myself on being a generalist, don't be surprised to see things wildly out of domain. Cheers!

What Inspired You to Make This?

I desire to exert myself creatively and to share the projects and things I was making. This grew into a love of open source and making in general.