Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Electric Wrecker
Home: California, United States
The Electric Wrecker was built in 2008. Modeled created from scratch, starting with the wheels and ending with the base, and everything in between this piece was transformed from a pile of parts to a beautiful electric vehicle. This vehicle is not large, showy, or loud — it is the opposite, sort of subtle in its construction and operation, but the subtlety is a feature — the more you look, the more there is to appreciate. This vehicle is hugely popular with the engineering set. We find that we receive a lot of admiration for this vehicle because of the variety of engineering challenges that it addresses.
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Keith Johnson and Merrilee Proffitt
Keith Johnson is an electrical engineer, and all-around maker and fixer. Merrilee Proffitt is a librarian, community manager, and organizer. They live in Oakland, California.