Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
American Society of Mechanical Engineers at SJSU Projects.
Home: California, United States
Our club does one major year long project developing a hybrid tricycle while also making small mechatronics and design projects using additive manufacturing over the course of the year. As a club we've developed over 25 projects in the past year and won over $2,500 in prizes collectively. We also recently revitalize our team since the pandemic, so as a team of once 10 students we've expanded to over 100! All of our small projects involve utilization of Fusion 360 to model the parts! Our projects range across various fields within the engineering field, such as electric vehicles, aerospace, aerodynamics, combat robotics, mechatronics, mechanical design, and many more!
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers at SJSU
The San Jose State University chapter of ASME strives to carry on the goals and objectives of the global American Society of Mechanical Engineering community through development of numerous engineering projects across various fields of engineering.
https://sanjosestateasme.weebly.com/What Inspired You to Make This?
When we transitioned leadership on the tail end of the pandemic, we wanted to grow our club to inspire creativity for other engineers and allow freedom to pursue their own project ideas. We've worked to develop a network where students can design, develop, and promote their work on a national scale. We got our students back into our machine shop for the first time in nearly a decade, developed a print farm to meet the demands of the numerous projects we develop, and create networking events for our students to establish connections with fellow students and industry. It's been a remarkable year for us and we hope to continue these efforts for year's to come!