Maker Faire NW Arkansas 2023
3D Pi Prints
Home: Arkansas, United States
Unlock your creativity with 3D Pi Prints. Innovative 3D printing, unique gifts, and custom creations. Come join us where we make 3D printing as easy as Pi!

Aaron Nicholson
Recent graduate from the University of Arkansas with my Ph.D. in Chemistry (Dec. 2022). I saw an opportunity to combine my passion for materials science throughout my research with 3D printing and took the leap by starting my own 3D printing service in 2023. My favorite things about 3D printing are seeing what other makers have been able to come up with that wouldn't have otherwise been possible without 3D printing, such as print-in-place models needing no assembly, unique art pieces, and functional, low-cost parts that help to reduce e-waste or other forms of waste. I'm a huge nerd at heart, I play a good amount of Dungeons and Dragons, fantasy video games, and I can talk your ears off about 3D printing applications.
https://www.3dpiprints.com/What Inspired You to Make This?
I have often used 3D printers in my research as well as for my friends/family for various things such as coat hooks, holiday/birthday presents, and tabletop miniatures as a side hustle during graduate school. I wanted to get more involved with the community and provide a useful service, which I am convinced is the way of the future with regards to sustainability and customized manufacturing.