Maker Faire Rome 2023
Progetto - E-Tyres
Use of piezoelectric sensors on tyres, rims, or on the road or rail to generate electricity during movement in a completely green and free way without drawing energy from the vehicle. Energy harvesting application with great potential. Working prototype with sensors applied to the rear wheel of a bicycle available to the public for demonstration. Project Photos
Polo Scolastico Superiore "Volta" - Castel San Giovanni - Piacenza
The team is made up of 10 young people (Andrei, Asia, Cristian, Damaris, Debora, Elena, Filippo, Leonardo, Pietro, Raimona) who are supported by 10 other teammates (Anqi, Cristian, Hanaa, Jessica, Lorenzo, Magdalena, Megi, Michela, Paula, Sofia). They are a diverse and inclusive group, with different knowledge and skills that support and complement each other. _x000D_ They attend different addresses of the institute.The team consists of girls and boys all aged 15 and 17.