Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Kits for Kids
Home: California, United States
Here at Busy Buzzy Bots, our drive is to provide education to all children. We plan to sell DC Motor Kits, kits that reflect real-world usage of motors through mini versions of vehicles, carnival rides, etc. Our projects combine the fun of building and learning together through a hands-on experience. Inside our kits, you will find all the materials you will need to build your special DC Motor project. Every kit comes with an instructional packet, along with a YouTube tutorial link to learn the step-by-step process. Our tutorials will explain everything you need to understand the basics of motors, wiring, and structuring.
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Busy Buzzy Bots
Busy Buzzy Bots is a STEM education focused non-profit organization that teaches kids how to build robots using LEGOs, motors, LEDs, and circuits. We offer a variety of kits and resources, as well as online courses and workshops.
https://busybuzzybots.orgWhat Inspired You to Make This?
Exploring technology and electronics should be a journey of excitement and joy. Our firm conviction is that by fostering a fascination with the fundamentals, we can inspire young minds to become the architects of innovation in our world. We aspire to serve as the catalyst, igniting the spark of curiosity and imagination within every child. With a solid foundation in the basics, we envision a future where these budding innovators will confidently and creatively shape the landscape of technology, crafting solutions that will improve our world.