Maker Faire Bay Area

Historic Mare Island Promenade

September 26-28, 2025

187 Days
12 Hours
14 Minutes

Coming Soon


Tickets Go on Sale

Purchase early bird to save over 30% off!


Call for Makers Opens

Makers, Speakers, and Performers can apply to exhibit!

2024 Recap

Makers big and small, young and old, in giant cuttlefish and on electric giraffes, with robots and without, showed up on Mare Island all weekend long to play perform, participate, teach, and learn. There were familiar faces and first timers, but most of all there were smiles, busy hands, excitement, and a whole lot of inspiration. In the words of Mario the Maker Magician, “Do what you love! Use what you have! Never give up!” We’ll see you next fall!


Thank you to the 1500+ makers and sponsors who showcased and activated almost 400 exhibits, attractions, and hands-on activities along the scenic Napa river and inside of nine historic building at the former Mare Island Naval Shipyard.


The Make: Live Stage came to life as makers talked about tech futures, real-world work in areas such as Hollywood props, next-gen robotics, DIY projects, AI devices, digital fabrication, new electronics, and more.


Did you miss Maker Faire? The Maker Shed has you covered. From vibrant T-shirts and cozy hoodies to collectible pins and bags, our gear is designed to show off your love for DIY culture, spark conversations, and connection.

Featured Performers

Among the performances were Diet Coke and Mentos by EepyBird, Mario the Maker Magician and Science Bob from CrunchLabs with a special appearance by Mark Rober!

2024 Photo Highlights

Be in the Know

Thank you to our makers, ticket holders, and sponsors for making Maker Faire Bay Area extraordinary!