Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
GGLABS - Geiger-Müller Counter
Home: California, United States
GGLABS designs and builds a wide variety of electronic devices. This year we introduce our newly designed radiation meter for Arduino. The board is compatible with Arduino Uno, Arduino micro and Arduino MKR. Exhibit has a live meter measuring background radiation plus samples of common items that exhibit weak radioactivity. All our projects are open source and open hardware.
Gabriele Gorla
Gabriele is a director of systems design at a large semiconductor company. When not in the office designing the next generation AI supercomputer he can be found in his home lab working on various electronics projects.
http://gglabs.usWhat Inspired You to Make This?
Like many other hobbyist we have always been fascinated by radioactivity and the sensors to detect it. Geiger-Müller tubes are a common and relatively inexpensive way to measure radiation. GRAD is a complete solution for radiation counting in an Arduino shield form factor. Its main features are dual tube support to increase sensitivity and very low power consumption.