Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

e-Bike film studio

Home: California, United States

Attendees will help me create a video episode of my action packed SciFi drama. The show will be recorded on my e-Bike video creation platform. There will be prop UFOs (UAPs) created by an artist who worked on 'StarWars' and' Raiders of the Lost Ark'.
e-Bike film studio - Maker Faire Bay Area

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michael winter

My name is RobotMike and I make robots. I was lucky enough to be featured on the cover of MAKE magazine with my AI robots. I helped design the original Robot Wars competition and was a contestant on many Battlebots TV episodes.

What Inspired You to Make This?

Sci-fi books, films and TV series: especially Philip K Dick novels, Fringe, X-files and all the treasure hunting TV shows. Additionally visits to White Sands, Los Alamos and Argonne National Laboratories and with designing A.I. robotic for various companies. And a life time riding bikes!