Maker Faire Milwaukee 2023
Blackhawk STEAM
Home: Wisconsin, United States
Blackhawk STEAM will be an exhibit where students get to see pre-programmed Lego robots navigate the masterpiece competition board for the 2023-2024 competition season. All 13 stations of the board will be on display.
Cheryl Knox
Door of Hope is a non-profit organization of Door Creek Church in Madison, Wisconsin. The program promotes STEAM education through robotics at local middle schools and at our community based office. Our purpose is to partner with the schools in our community through providing technology based, extra curricular, after school activity.
What Inspired You to Make This?
Our program is about giving and receiving resources in technology. We wanted our students to have the opportunity to share their knowledge about robotics but also to explore what other students are doing to further their opportunities in the field of technology.