Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Big Birds Ice Cream Bike
Home: California, United States
I built this bike from scratch, based on the turn of the century penny farthing bike. It was originally built to showcase our homemade ice cream; turns out the bike is as big of a hit as the ice cream! This is built as a tricycle so that I could pedal slowly {you don't want an ice cream bike as a get-away vehicle!!} Men, grandmothers to teenage girls to children {in other words, pretty much everyone}- loves the photo opp being up so high on the bike. Additionally being up high gives one a sense of power and confidence. I have witnessed shy kids, break into a big grin sitting on top of the bike!
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James Telfer
I have been both honored and lucky to exhibit in 3 of the Bay Area Maker Faire, including the last two, before the great shutdown. {which, of course, was not so great} I recently tested and was labeled a renegade. Can you believe that?
What Inspired You to Make This?
Ice Cream, ice cream, ice cream! Built this pup to showcase our handmade old school ice cream. Later I found out you can ride a bike without eating ice cream.. Who knew? One on my proudest moments was chauffeuring the bride on the back of the bike, and watching everyone's jaws drop in unison as we rolled up!